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(Y/n) POV

I woke up in a strange place. "Where the fuck am I"? I groaned. "I know who you really are"! A loud voice boomed from the darkness. "I know that you're a nobody, a suicidal little girl who happened to get her one wish! A wish so powerful that it changed the way she acts, the way she talks, and the way she behaves"! The voice boomed. "Let's face it you're living it up now put when the time comes, you're going to wish you stayed in that sorry world of yours"!! The voice boomed louder. "W-who are you"? I asked. "Let's just say we've meet before. Now. WAKE UP"!!! The voice screamed. I woke up frightened. I started shaking from fear breathing fastly in and out, in and out. I had tears running down my eyes. "W-who was-s th-at"? I asked myself shaking put of fear. "Love"? I heard a voice making me quickly turn around to it. It was Loki, he was standing in my door way. He walked over towards me. "Are you ok my queen? I came to check on you, but you seem a bit frighten, perhaps you have taken upon a nightmare"? Loki asked. That was so proper it took me a second to comprehend. "Yeah, y-yeah". I said breathing unsteadily. "Would you like for me to accompany you tonight? I will give you cuddles until you have fallen asleep". Loki said.

"Yes". I said. Loki climb into bed with me, wrapping his arms around me. It took a while for me to sleep, me and Loki talked, I finally feel asleep. I had a dreamless sleep and when I woke up the next morning I felt like totally crap. "You awful". Tony said. "Great I wanted to look like you today". I said. "Wow". Tony said. "Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed". Steve said. "Shut it, I'm tired and I feel like I got ran over by a tractor". I said. "I know that feeling". Bruce said. "My queen had a terrible nightmare that keep her up most of the night". Loki said. "Stop eating junk before bed". Steve said. "Yeah, cause that's the problem". I rolled my eyes. "Lady (Y/n) perhaps you should go see Sir Doctor Strange". Thor said. "Great Idea Thor but I don't think he can help on this. It's kinda personal". I said. "I'm intrigued now, what's it about"? Tony ask. "I believe that is none of your concern therefore you should shut up". Loki said. "Wow, what is this attack Tony day"? Tony asked offended. "You are annoying". Nat said. "Look it's not my fault that some people can't comprehend my ability to not give a fuck, about what anybody says about me cause I'm fucking Iron Man". Tony said sassily walking off. I laughed at him. "You want to talk about the dream"? Steve asked. "Not really". I said. "Dreams aren't anything but what are conscious is trying to tell us things". Bruce said. "Apparently my conscious needs to go fuck it's self". I said.

"I'm sure it will blow over soon". Bruce said leaving. "I'm here to talk if you want (Y/n), I know how nightmares feel". Bucky said leaving with Steve. I smiled a little knowing they all care. Then frowned, none of this is real. It's all some weird mind trick. God I hope who every doing this is fucking ready for an ass beating, and multiple insults, cause I got them ready. IQ bout as low as a button , and the button still got into community college. Damn you fugly man, let's just dump acid on you and start all over again from the bone. Yeah, bitch come at me! Naw never mind, damn I smell your breath from here. Fuck. "Queen"! Loki snapped me out my thoughts. "Yes"? I asked. "Are you ok? You had started looking into the distance". Loki said. "Yeah perfectly fine Loki"! I said smiling lightly at him. "Ok". He said kissing the top of my forehead.

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