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'Sorry.. uh... you dropped this.'

Dominic tapped the lady he had been following around the grocery store on the shoulder. He didn't mean to follow her,it's just that they shopped in the same isle. When she turned to face him,he could not help but marvel at her beauty. She wasn't miss universe or anything but she was beautiful.

'Can I help you?'

She said noticing he had been starring at her for a while. Her smile made him feel welcome,like he was not bothering her. It's the first time he has ever approached a woman and she immediately smiled at him without stating his business. She raised her eyebrow wondering if he tapped her for a reason. Which he found sexy.

'god you're beautiful.'

'Well.. thank you?.'

She said not really sure what to say and if she was meant to hear that but it had made her label him as a weirdo. She stood there thinking she should probably leave now but her mind thought one thing while her feet stayed glued to the ground.

'Didn't mean to say that out loud.'

He then remembered that he had her piece of paper in his hand. In this day in age of smartphones who still writes a grocery list on a piece of paper he had wondered when he picked it up.

'Oh sorry I think this is yours.'

He said handing her the piece of paper facing up with her grocery items visible to them both. He noticed that her list consisted of items for kids. Which made him wonder if she was a breeder.

'Thank you. I did not notice it fell.'

She placed it in her pocket,thanking him before turning to leave. Two young boys came running towards her from the cereal isle.

'Mom, Dino won't let me get the sand truck,when I grabbed it first and he already had one at home.'

Dominic listened as the boys started arguing about who had the truck first . He watched as she tried to calm them down but the argument got heated and they were now in each other's faces. He decided to help her out as she looked like their argument was the least of her problems.

' Hey... Why don't you each buy a different truck and I'll buy you each sand trucks and give them to your mom when I see her again.'

The boys looked at each other with their fingers on their China ,playing with their six year old invincible beards. Dominic couldn't help but smile at their thinking expressions,they looked like they were in deep thought.

' Who are you?'

The one who he guessed was Dino questioned him.

'Yeah... we don't talk to strangers.'

The other one who favoured the lady he had just met added to his brothers question.

'I am Dominic he said reaching out his hand for them to shake.'

They looked at each other like they were having some secret silent conversation before taking his hand.

'I am Dino and that's my brother Drake.'

'Nice to meet you boys... so do we have a deal?'

With his hand still in Dino's firm grip while Drake looked him up and down as if he did not trust him and was sizing him up. They agreed and shook hands with him.

'I guess you'll need my number.'

Dominic said to their mother who just shook her head smiling and pulled out her smartphone,handing it over to him. She gave him her name when he buzzed his phone to get her number.


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