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Trust is like a mirror, you can fix it if it's broken, but you can still see the crack in that mother fucker's reflection...

She tapped on her leg while she sat in the living room waiting on her husband to come home. The baby in her womb was restless too while her  daughter sat upstairs in her room playing with her dolls, oblivious to her unsettled parent. She decided to attend to wash the dishes since watching the clock slowly tick by angered her more.

' Hey babe.'

He tried to kiss her on the cheek as he did on a daily basis since they got married but she swerved.

' What did I do now Sunny?!'

He sighed, knowing when she behaved in this manner she was angry.

' I told you I will not turn a blind eye to your cheating. I might have given you chance after chance when we were dating but I won't do it as your wife. I deserve better.'

' Ain't that what I am doing right now?, giving you better?!! I don't know what you think you know Sunny but I am not doing whatever it is you're accusing me of.'

Bella jumped when she heard glass shatter from downstairs and her six year old mind told her to go investigate. As she slowly walked down the stairs, she could clearly hear the raised voice of her mother while her father tried to calm her down.

' Sunny you're overreacting. I know I've made my mistakes but I won't and will never again cheat on you. I've grown and realized my mistake and frankly I'm tired of explaining the same shut to you.'

Sunny pulled put a piece of paper from her pocket and shoved it in his chest.

' Then who the hell is this and why are her numbers in your pockets?!'

Ivan took the piece of paper and skimmed through it, shrugging his shoulders.

' I don't know. You know the husbands and I went out for drinks the other night. I'm sure one of the girls at that strip club shoved it in my pocket. You know I came home falling - down drunk . I don't remember half of the shit that happened that night.'

' Why you lying Ivan?! We haven't even been married a year and you're already back to your old ways. I knew I shouldn't have married you! You'll never change!'

Bella gasped when she saw her father grab her mother by her upper arm when she tried to walk away from him. She wanted to run and stop him but her feet would not move.

' You know What!, Since you want me to cheat. I will cheat. I'm out here trying to do right by you and our children but you don't fucken see that. All you see is the man I was not who I am trying to be and it hasn't been a year and I'm already sick of you.'

His words were like a knife piercing her chest. It hurt to hear him say that and for once she realized how much she was overreacting. Ivan quickly let go of her arm when he noticed his daughter standing by the kitchen door. He tried to walk up to her and explain what she had seen but Bella ran under him and towards her mother who quickly tried to put on a smile for her.

' Hey baby?, What are you doing up so late?'

' Mommy did daddy hurt you like uncle Donald?'

Sunny replied no, her daddy would never do that. While Ivan wondered who Donald was and why his daughter looked at him with so much fear when he tried to touch her.

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