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' Hi Mrs Gold'

' Cal I told you to call me Ms. Roxy but hi.'

Calvin blushed and starred at his friends mother with dreamy eyes and his chin rested on his hand. Roxanne took her daughter's food from the microwave with her son's feeding bottle and headed into the leaving area to feed her.

' ey,stop looking at my mom like that.'

'I can't help it,you know I love my women thick and your mom is the --- ahhh! ouch! ouch! ouch!'

Calvin cried out while Aalam pulled him out the front door by his left ear with Aj following behind,laughing.

' I told you my wife is out of your league and you should stop talking about her like that. She is off limits!'

Roxanne shook her head,she believed that Aalam took it too seriously. Their son's friend was just going through a phase that he might get over as he gets older.

' You should  leave the poor boy alone. He's doing no harm.'

' No he should  find his own thickums. He's always in my home,drooling over you. Being disrespectful. '

' You need to chill babe.'

' thought you were meeting with Gabby?'

' Yeah later today. '

The doorbell rang,as Roxy was already on her feet,she attended to the door. Aalam noticed her standing still with the door open as if she was frozen dog her mouth agape. He tried calling to her but she did not responding,so he gave his daughter his tablet then left to see who was at the door.

' babe it's too late to do the mannequin cha-'

Aalam was cut short upon realising who stood on his doorstep. Behind the intruder Aj's steps where halted when he too saw who was at his doorstep. He moved his wife away and stood where she was.

' I thought I told you to stay away from my family!'

Father and son angrily spoke to the intruder at the same time. Aj had just  returned  from  walking his friend  halfway. Roxanne looked from her husband to her son as realisation got her.

' hey Roxy babe,I need to speak with you.'

Aj walked past him and stood infront of his mother as his father slammed the door in the intruders face before checking on his visibly shaken wife. When Roxanne finally got out of her trance she stomped into the kitchen as both men followed her and with shaky hands tried to drink a cup of water.

' you both knew he was in town?'

They both nodded yes

' and none of you thought to let me know.'

They just starred at her before Aj was sent off to his room.

' Rox,I was just trying to protect you. I warned him to stay away from you and Aj,when I found out he went to see Aj at -'

'He went to Aj's school!'

'Yes but he was not inside -'

'I do not care if he was inside the premises or not. You knew he went to see our soon and you did not think to tell me this! What if he had done something to him -'

'Babe calm down,I was only trying to protect you. I did not want you being stressed while pregnant.'

'Wait,you have known for that long Aalam and you did not bother to tell me and on top off that you got my son to keep secrets from me!'

' I will do anything to protect my family and even keep secrets from you. '

Roxy grabbed her keys from the wall,furious she drove away from her worried husband. She did not know where she was going but she was going faraway from him.

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