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' So you are the type that likes white women'

Maya asked with her hands wrapped around David's neck as they were slow dancing to some boys to men song.

'Not really...'

Maya raised her eyebrows at him. As a way to tell him to elaborate.

'What I mean is that I like every skin color and type of woman. I just love women in general.'

They continued to get to know each other as they headed towards the VIP area where all their friends were now seated and chatting.

'Ladies I would like you to taste this drink my cousin and our bartender Isaiah made called melanin poppin. Since we are supporting the women carrying our future king and queens,I brought you ladies an alcohol free version'

The woman laughed when Pharaoh said that with his eyes on Gabby,whose cheeks had turned pink. Pharaoh took his drink and sat next to her after handing the ladies each their drinks. The conversation continued till the early hours of the next day. As they drank and danced the night away. Forgetting that there were cameras flashing.

'Well Kelly it was nice seeing you again'

Ethan said hugging her a bit too long for her liking but she only pushed him away,gently,after he placed his lips on her neck. Roxy got into the drivers seat and drove the ladies home with Isaiah on her mind,each women thought about the epic night they had today with the men they spent most of the night with.

' So Gabby what's going on between you and Pharaoh'

Gabriella cut her eyes at her friends but could not hide the dimple popping smile.

'Nothing is going on between us and if there was ..... all I am going to say is that he's fine with his blasian self.'

The ladies laughed as they sat around Gabby's pool resting and recuperating from last night's activities. They were not hungover but exhausted.

' Maya don't think we did not notice you all on David too last night'

Nicole wiggled her eyebrows at Maya

'Well.... he is not as bad as I thought. We actually got to know each other a little better and he was not turned off by the fact that I was pregnant.'

The ladies snickered as they noticed the faraway look in her eyes. The spent most of the day lazing around the pool and talking about their relationships and general women issues.

'Girls Isaiah and the guys are having Sunday brunch and were wondering if we could join them?'

Roxy said typing on her phone with a smile on her face. The women agreed to go.

'Roxy when did you become buddy buddy with Isaiah.'

Lily asked as she sipped on her drink.

'we have been talking since the resort. He is a very young but very wise for his age.'

The ladies noticed how she smiled when she spoke about him and they looked at each other worryingly.

' Roxy hun ,we know Aalam isn't the best husband at the moment but getting close to another man is not the answer'

Maya spoke as she sat next to her with her attention all on her phone screen. Roxy raised her head to see the concerned looks from her friends.

'Guys,it's nothing like that Isaiah and I are just friends.'

The women shrugged their shoulders after giving her sceptical looks. They laughed about it before heading into the house to get ready for the rest of their Sunday with their new found friends,oblivious to the trouble brewing in the home front.

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