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'I am Kelly and that's Maya, Nicki and Lily'

Kelly introduced herself to the ladies they had shared a flight with the day before. She noticed them when they came to the beach and decided that they should introduce themselves since they had shared the same flight and were now vacating in the same beach resort.

'I am Gabriella but everybody calls me Gabby and that's Jade,Sunshine and Roxanne'

The ladies each waved at each other before they sat together and sun bathed. They also swam from time to time and admired the men working around the resort and those visiting.

'Sunny just answer him.'

Jade sighed as her cellphone rang again.

' No. Ivan had his chance and he blew it. Now that he realised what he had he wants it back,no it doesn't work like that.'

Due to Sunny ignoring his calls, Ivan had resorted to calling her friends.

'I am not saying take him back... all I am saying is answer him so he can stop calling. What if it's about your daughter.'

Sunny sighed and walked away to answer the call as Maya and Jade walked up to the ladies with ice cream in hand. Gabriella looked at Jade puzzled as she ate her ice cream.

'What?..do I have some on my face?'

Jade asked blindly wiping her face

'I thought you hated ice cream?'

Gabriella questioned and Jade shrugged her shoulders.

'It's hot out here and I needed something to cool me off,that swim didn't help.'

Gabriella shrug her shoulders. The ladies sat and talked about life when two guys walked up to them with what seemed like flyers in their hands.

'Afternoon ladies'


The girls sang in unison making the guys smile.

'I am David and this is my friend Pharaoh,we would like to invite you beautiful queens to a reggae party we are having in the resort later tonight. Which starts at ten.'

They said handing each lady a flyer. The ladies promised to come and the men continued on their journey inviting other guests.

'He's got a nice butt'

Nicole said starring at Pharaohs butt as they walked away.

'I thought you were gay'

Lily questioned


Nicky proudly said still starring at the men.

'Yeah right,when last did you date a man.'

Kelly added

'In college..'

Nicole replied as the other ladies listened in on their conversation.

' You cannot say you're bisexual when all you ever dated was woman and are still a virgin when it comes to dick.'

Nicole quickly tried to cover Maya's mouth with her hand before she could finish the virgin sentence but failed. The other women laughed as she playfully punched her friend in the shoulder.

'There is nothing wrong with being a virgin or lesbian Nicky,don't mind them.'

Roxy said.. while noticing Gabriella decline a call from her husband. She knew how much Gabriella and Byron were inlove and wondered why she would decline his calls. Something she never saw her do ever since she met the couple. Since they got on the plane she had noticed Gabriella had been quiet like something was bothering her.

'Are you going to tell me why you keep declining his calls?'

Gabby let out a deep breath as Roxy questioned her behaviour. She had not told her friends about Byron's infidelity or anyone else.

'Byron had an affair.'

All the women gasped as soon as the words left her mouth gave her a sympathetic look before they all tried their best to comfort her and offer their individual advice.

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