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Life isn't pretty, we all get a little wrecked sometimes
If God's listening, people think you're out of your mind...

' You know this is all my doing?'

Maxine's mom said to her daughter while beaming with pride.

' Mom what do you mean?'

' I mean when I asked you to babysit on my behalf, I had known a month prior about my trip to your grandma's and I had somebody to watch the kids but I remembered that my favorite lesbians were both unlucky in love. I planned to ask you at the last hour to babysit for me. So you could meet her and I knew you'd fall in love with her on the spot.'

' Mma I was in a relationship then.'

' With that demon child. I told you when you introduced her to me that I did not like her aura but who listens to their mother.'

Maxine recalled how her mother scrunched up her nose and did not reply back when Jessie greeted her. She asked her not to bring her around her ever again if she planned on a future with Jessie. Maxine thought her mother was being irrational but today she knew better.

' I should have known better.'

' Damn right!'

Her mother smiled as Nicole walked into the kitchen. They were having an engagement lunch organised by her mother. Nicole's children were outside playing with Maxine's nieces and nephews.

' My beautiful daughter in law. How can I be of assistance.'

Maxine laughed at her mother's over the top behavior. Her mother was putting on a show for her aunts and uncles who always preached to her about her daughter being lesbian. Maxine recalled a time her uncles held a meeting for her without her present and trued to pressurize her mother in kicking her out of her home after she came out to the family. She slowly got angered as she watched them fake smile all in Nicole's face.

' Does Nicki know about you and your uncle's history?'

' No and I don't think I'll ever tell her. A lot has happened between your brother's and i and i don't want her having to choose between my family members because of their past mistakes. I'm still hurt but I've learnt to forgive.'

' I'm so proud of you and I apologize on their behalf everything they put you through. I apologize for the times I couldn't protect you from family members from both sides especially after your father's death.'

Mrs. Royalty thought back on the time she lived with her late husband's younger brother after his death. The elders had forced her to take him as a second husband since in African culture then and now (in some African culture) when your husband dies, an unmarried male from his family has to step in the late's place. She never wanted to but was forced into that. This only brought her and her two children misery as she was not happy about the forced union and he was abusive physically to Max after she came out.

' What do you tell her about the marks on your back?'

' I haven't given her a straight answer. I told her I'm not ready to let her know.'

' I am sorry Max. I really am.'

Her mother pulled her into her chest for a hug. It was a year after the abuse on Maxine had started before she had the courage to kick her second husband out. They were never actually married so she did not have to go through divorce. Even though elders tried to get threaten her with taking their brother's home and getting their bride price back. Max was grateful to her mother for all that she did to protect her.

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