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'How many times must I apologise Jade..'

'For the rest of your life if you have to,you promised not to ever put your hands on me again and you did and if you think I will be as lenient to you as before,you got me twisted.'

Jade said getting into the passenger side of her husband's car. They drove off towards the destination Gabriella had texted to meet her at.

'Why does your friend want us to meet with her?'

'I have no idea.'

Maliq parked his car next to Gabriella's as soon as Jade pointed it to him.

'Morning guys,sorry I can't go in with you. I have a meeting but just go up to the receptionists and she'll tell you what to do.'

Gabriella hurriedly said to Jade and Maliq who looked at her confused.

'I hope it's not another fertility clinic. I have had enough of these places and their smug smiles.'

Mumbled Jade as she read the file that Gabriella had managed to open for her in the clinic.

'Could you just be positive. I don't think Gabby would bring us here for nothing. Let's just go in and find out why we are here.'

Jade stomped her feet into the clinic. She sighed when the nurse gave her a huge grin and a cup to pee in. Maliq reciprocated her smile and took the cup from her as Jade made no attempt of taking it. He gently pushed her into the restroom. She reluctantly peed into the cup which Maliq took to the nurse.

' Mrs.Jade Great'

Another nurse called her into a room with a white door. Jade looked at Maliq confused when she noticed that they were in a sonar room,suddenly making her nervous.

' Jade can you please lay down for me and pull your t-shirt up to expose the lower part of your stomach.'

Jade did as told and the doctor put jelly on the probe after switching on the monitor. Maliq grabbed Jade's hand trying to calm her after noticing it tremble. Jade let out a breath when the cold probe touched her belly.

'Sorry about that.... now let's see.... there definitely will be a little Great in the next coming 26 weeks.'

Jade and Maliq looked at the doctor with confusion written on their faces. The doctor smiled when he noticed this.

' Mr. and Mrs. Great,you are going to be parents. Mrs. Great you are ten weeks pregnant.'

The doctor smiled as what he said registered with them.

' But how? My gynae said -'

Jade tried to speak but the lump in her throat made it difficult for her.

'I know Gabriella told be but we only diagnose. We do not have the last say,only God has the last say and I guess He heard your prayers and they have been answered. So congratulations,you'll get your prescription from the receptionists. I have to leave now.'

Maliq shook the doctors hand and thanked him for his help. Jade jumped into her husband's arms in tears as soon as the doctor gave them privacy. She held her belly as Maliq placed both his hands on it before kissing her belly and her.

'We're pregnant!'

Maliq said as he kissed Jade's tears away. They were both very happy to be finally pregnant but each had their fear at the back of their minds. If they would get to see him/her born. Since the first time she was pregnant she suffered a miscarrriage at two weeks before she was told she could never have kids.

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