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' you're a hard woman to get hold off Kelz.'

'It's Kelly and I was busy...'

'You get more beautiful as you grow you know.'

Kelly sighed irritated with his stalling.

' what do you want Terrence, I don't have all day.'

Kelly could not help but check out her surroundings every now and then. She was jumpy and wanted to get this meeting over and done with before anybody recognised her.

' I wanted to talk about our daughter.'

She scoffed

' you mean my daughter Remember you said she was not your child when I told you I was pregnant.'

For a second his smile turned upside but he quickly changed it and tried to grabbed her hands which lay infront of her on the table but she pulled away before he could.

' I was wrong,young and stupid. I wish I never listened to my friends. I know I don't derseve your forgiveness but please find it in your heart to forgive me. Nothing has been going my way ever since.'

' So what, you had a dream and your late grandmother told you to go find the child you denied?!'

' No it's nothing like that. Truth is I went to a traditional healer who told me that.'

' Someone else had to tell you what to do?! I think you're still immature and stupid. What did you expect would happen when you abandoned your own blood?'

' I didn't think anything would happen. I just wasn't ready, I was afraid.'

' You forgot that you had a whole fiancée and were not ready to lose her.'

Terrence face turned white. He thought he had kept that secret well.

' Yes I know. Hope you're happy with her.'

' Actually she left me a year ago. For another man.'

Kelly shook her head

' I am sorry but you reap what you sow. I wish I could say I feel sorry for you but I don't. You left me pregnant and never looked back. If it was not for your mother and my parents,my daughter and I would have been worse off. It shocked me when she called me up after my mother told her what you had done. I thought she would have sided with you but your mother was with me through everything and I was happy when she encouraged me to date again. If it wasn't for her I would have never have found my husband. The only good thing that came out of our relationship was our daughter and a second mother for me. For her to be at peace I will allow you to meet with my daughter but after I discuss it with my husband.'

Kelly tried to stand up to leave but he grabbed her.

' I deserve that and I am really sorry for everything I've put you through. I will do my best to make up for the nine years I've missed out on our daughter's life and yours.'

' What do you mean and mine?. You do understand that I am a married woman and you can see your daughter not me.'

' Why can't I see you both. You know she will need you, we both will till she's used to me.'

Kelly sighed, Terrence was trying her but he also had a point. She quietly sat down and enjoyed the rest of her meal.

' Does she know that I am her father though?'

' Yeah I think she has a picture of you somewhere in her room. Deo and I told her as soon as she could understand.'

' Does he do it like I do it tough?'

Kelly kissed her teeth and left him seated in the restaurant.

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