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Thick and thin (ooo)
The bad outweighs the good sometimes...

' I'm doing this for the sake of our children. Not you or your mother.'

Jade said as they walked into his grandmother's home. Maliq sighed this pregnancy was introducing to him a totally different Jade.

' Yeah you've mentioned that already.'

Jade stopped moving and turned to look at him before she kissed her teeth and fixed her son on her hip. Maliq offered to take him but she refused.

' Hey grand daughter inlaw. Is this my new great grandson. Oh he's as cute as his father was at this age and looks exactly like you Mali.'

He never liked being called Mali but because it was his grandmother he let her get away with it.

' Your mother and sister are bickering in the patio go diffuse them while I talk to my grand daughter in law here.'

Maliq kissed Jade on the cheek and she did not swerve. He did it knowing she would not if a member of  his family was standing there.

' He's grown so fast in just a year. How is the other one treating you though?'

Jade's eyes almost fell out of their sockets. Not many people knew she was pregnant and especially Maliq's grandmother.

' Don't look so surprised. I've lived for eighty-five years. I know these things and can tell just by looking at you.'

' The baby is treating me well, can't complain. '

' but?'

' I'm just worried as to how I'll manage with two newborns and what people will say having a baby so soon after the other. The doctor on our first visit was on my case about not letting  my uterus rest and Maliq clashed with him. Now I'm seeing a different obstetrician. '

' Oh what do doctors know. God has the final word and a child is a blessing from God. If he wants you to have something he will make a way. Look at that Jackson girl who had a baby at the age she was supposed to be a grandma. God provides babe. You and my little Mali will be just fine.'

The elderly woman pushed a bowl full of food towards her.

' Here have this. It's good for those babies you're carrying.'

' Grandma please don't stress me further. It's one baby in here. I can't deal with three kids and you know Maliq makes four.'

The old lady laughed but stopped when her daughter walked in. Mother and daughter were always at loggerheads when it came to how she treated Jade and how she had raised them.

' Hey Jade? How are you doing?'

' I am well thanks and you?'

Maliq's grandmother looked back and forth between the women.

' How's the morning sickness treating you.'

' I haven't had any.'

' Well you know when I was pregnant with Maliq I had morning sickness from day one. Even with his sister.'

Jade knew what she was insinuating but she kept her cool.

' Well pregnancies cannot all be the same.'

' Yeah but that's usually when two different people impregnated you,right?'

Jade grabbed her plate of food and headed into the living room to find her husband. She had promised herself that her mother-in-law would not provoke her today.

' Get your mother Maliq. I don't want to be disrespectful in your grandmother's house.'

' Hey wife. What has mommy dearest done now.'

Jasmin asked as she sat down next to her.

' What hasn't she done?! Will your mother ever give up though?! Maliq needs to sit her down and tell her he has a whole other family or I'm leaving. I don't want to disrespect anybody's mother.'

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