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Raymond groaned as he showered his seed into the studded condom still inside of her,he lay still patiently waiting for his member to stop twitching. His phone rang for the fifth time that night,he got off the woman,only to find that it was another call from Maya. He let it ring for sometime before answering the call out of irritation.

' Maya wha-'

The other woman looked at the naked man's facial expression change from irritated to concerned. He frantically searched for his clothes as soon as he hung up the call.

' Ray baby,what's wrong I thought you were spending the weekend with me.'

'Kim sorry but something came up. I-I- have to go... I'll call you.'

He said running out,not giving the new woman in his life a chance to ask any further questions.


Kelly sprung towards him as he walked in from getting a cup of coffee. Amadeo tried grabbing her in his sleepy state,since it was around two in the morning,but failed and almost tripped on his legs. The other people waiting with them jumped up in shock as Kelly jabbed at his jaw.

'Kelly stop this is not the time or place.'

'Deo do not protect him. My friend is in there fighting for her and her baby's life because of him.'

Their family and friends tried to help Amadeo restrain Kelly from killing Raymond.

'Kelly what the hell is going on here!?'

Maya's mother questioned as her eyes darted from Kelly to Raymond questionably.

'Is someone going to say something....'

Raymond's mom frustrated with their silence and earlier behaviour stands up from her seat as she was seated next to Maya's mother.

' Since he won't say anything, I will! Your son here put his hands on my bestfriend. He is the one who put her here and I promised my self when I saw you I would beat you up on her behalf.'

Raymond looked away afraid to look at his mother and mother-in-law,afraid to see their expressions. When Maya called him telling him she needed to be taken to the hospital,he knew that it was because of him choking her a night before. He was shocked when he got to their former house and found a heavily pregnant Maya. Which he somehow did not notice the night before. His heart dropped when he realised what he had done. He was so shocked he stood paralyzed in the same area and took a while for him to come out of his trance and rush a bleeding Maya to the hospital.

'Raymond King please tell me she is mistaken.. you did not put your hands on a pregnant woman!'

'Mma I did not know she wa-'

A loud slap echoed in the waiting area before Raymond could finish his sentence. He held his stinging cheek as he tried to recover from the ringing sound in his ear.

'I do not care what you knew or did not know. I RAISED YOU BETTER THAN THIS! I raised you not to turn out like your father.'

Regina scolded his son who was still in shock from the slap that his mother had given him,the last time she put his hands on him was in his teenage years and he was not even in high school then. Elizabeth,Maya's mom pulled Regina away from Raymond as soon as she noticed her raise her hand to strike him again. The doctor was walking over to them as the other visitors watched the family feud.

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