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Amadeo turned on his side lamp ready to tease Kelly about wetting the bed. He lifted his hand to the light when he felt how slightly sticky the fluid was. He was horrified to find his hand covered in dark red blood. He jumped off the bed,flipping open the covers and there under a naked Kelly was a pool of blood. He had never seen so much blood before and immediately knew that something was very wrong.

' Kelly baby wake up.'

Kelly opened her eyes to painful lower abdominal pains before she even noticed the pool of blood underneath her. Amadeo stood at the edge of the bed visibly shocked and confused.

' Gosh!'

She cried out and tried to stand up and attempt to walk into their bathroom but managed to only move one step before collapsing onto the floor. Deo lifted her up and took her under the shower where he cleaned her up and then dressed her before driving her to the hospital. She complained of stomach cramps and light headedness as he drove to the hospital. He had gotten a neighbour to watch his kids as he rushed his wife to the nearest hospital. He stood with her in the emergency room while the doctors did their examinations and tests on his wife.

'How are you feeling?'

'Tired and really sleepy,I wish they could get this over and done with so I can go home.'

The doctor returned as Kelly lay on his chest waiting to know why she bled so much.

'Mrs. Honey I have some bad news. Uh.. you were three weeks pregnant but unfortunately you lost the baby.'

' Pregnant?!'

As soon as the doctor mentioned that she was pregnant. Kelly let out painful No and sobbed into her fiances chest while he rubbed up and down her back. They were both confused as to when she got pregnant and why they were not aware.

' We are not sure what caused you to miscarry but with the tests and examinations done,we found that you had a very high blood pressure. We are going to keep you overnight just for observations. Do you have any questions?'

Amadeo shook his head no while doing his best to comfort Kelly.

'I'll leave you guys to talk and the nurse will be back later to take her vitals and check her bleeding. If you need anything just inform the nurses. I am sorry for your loss.'

Kelly was now sobbing uncontrollably onto Amadeo's chest as he held her. She did not want another baby yet but she could not help feeling guilty and hurt at losing a child. Even though it was just only three weeks. Deo did not know what to do or say in that moment. So he kept rocking her and rubbing her back to soothe her cries until she quieted down.

' I'm sorry Deo. I'm really sorry.'

' It's not your fault babe.'

' I think God is punishing me because I said I did not want a baby.'

'No baby,don't think that. Maybe the big Man saw that we don't need a baby right now and He will give us another child when we are ready. This just wasn't our time. Like the doctor said,you probably were just too stressed. With what we have been going through and your work and Maya. You've been through too much baby.'

They sat in silence for a few seconds before Kelly spoke.

' Do you blame me for losing our baby?'

'No baby,I don't blame you. It just wasn't meant to be.'

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