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But I'm just as scared of this too,
As terrified as you.
We're in this you and I....

With a loud sigh he threw the outdated magazine onto the tiny coffee table and began pacing up and down. The room was not big enough for it to calm him down and he sat back down in his chair with a sigh and covered his face with his palms. His mother stood up to sit next to him.

' Baby you have to relax -'

' Mma I cannot relax while my wife us in there fighting for her life. '

' Baby I know what you might be going through but you have to put your trust in the teachings of the church and understand that the Lo-'

He abruptly stood up and groaned.

' No offence mom but I don't need a biblical lesson right now. He is the last person I want to think or talk about right now. Where was he when she was diagnosed, when her condition worsened and I found her in her own pool of vomiting and my children crying their eyes out. I'm sorry mom but the Lord is not my favorite person right now!'

' Son listen -'

' Mom please just stop!'

His mother flinched when he raised his voice but understood that he was stressed and did not mean to scream at her. The other visitors looked on as Asher stood up from his corner and went for his brother. Their mother quickly got in between them.

' We understand you're stressed but you have no right to take it out on mma.'

' I'm not taking it out on her. Momma I'm sorry. I meant no disrespect you but God's words and promises right now ain't doing it for me. I just need Roxy.'

He sat back down in tears. Recalling how he found his wife on their bedroom floor unconscious with his two youngest children crying from confusion and hunger. Reina had been taught how to dial her parent's number and emergency numbers but had failed to do so in this situation.

' Son I know you're going a tough time but you cannot take your anger out on the Lord.'

' Who should I take it out on. My wife?! I want to blame her because if she wouldn't have stopped that treatment, we would not be here. At the same time our little AJ squared  would have not been born.'

' I understand son but you have to fight this battle with Him and not against Him. I know you don't want to hear this but He feels your pain and understands more than anyone what you're going through. He hears your cries and He will get you through this. Trust in the Lord your God.'

' Hi. How is she doing? Have you heard anything?'

Gabriella walked in huffing with Byron behind her. He greeted Aalam's mom before dabbing up the brothers.

' We're still waiting.'

His mother replied just as the doctor walked in with what Aalam saw ad a sombre look on her face. Aalam moved quickly from the back and stood in front of his family. His mother held his hand for comfort while Byron held Gabriella.

' What's going on? How's my wife? Is she going to be alright. When can I see her and when can she go home? Do you need anything from us?'

' Sir relax. One question at a time and to answer the last one. We don't need anything but thank you. You can see her when we're done here and I don't have a discharge date yet. Can we sit down.'

The doctor continued to explain Roxanne's condition while they sat.

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