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Maya pulled up the black sweat pants Raymond had bought for her to change into. She turned to finish packing her hospital bag and almost jumped out of her skin when she found a strange woman watching her.

' Didn't mean to scare you. I was looking for my boyfriend Raymond. The nurse said he was in here.'

She put emphasis on my boyfriend,she felt threatened but Maya thought that she was being silly since the lady standing infront of her was beyond gorgeous and she had a body to match. She did not understand why she would feel threatened by a fat woman like her.

' Kim?,what are you doing here?'

'Hey babe. I wanted to take you out for lunch since we didn't get to spend time with you this morning.'

Raymond gently removed Kim's hands from his chest and briefly looked over at Maya who seemed too occupied with gathering all her belongings.

' I can't. I have to take them home.'

'Oh no Ray. you can go with her to lunch I'll call one of the grannies to fetch us.'

Maya smiled at them amused.

' Babe how rude of you though. You did not introduce us.. Hi I am Kim...'

She trailed of waiting for her to introduce herself but Raymond beat her to it.

' Kim that's Maya my wif-'

'Ex wife '

Maya corrected him which he was not happy about. He asked her to leave and that he would see her later. Kim starred at Maya for a few seconds before walking out not happy with being snubbed for the ex wife.

' You should have left with the poor girl,she seems hurt.'

'Don't start Maya. She's a big girl she'll get over it.'

Their son was wheeled into the room. Maya forgot all about their conversation and held her son,who surprisingly was dressed like his dad. Maya then noticed that they were all dressed in similar clothes and colors.

' why are we dressed alike?'

'Because we are a family. Now bring junior to me so we can get the out of here.'

'Why are you smiling like the cat that got the cream?'

Maya questioned when she noticed Raymond with a huge smile. They were all seated in the backseat while Raymond's driver drove their black and gold G65.

'I just realised I'm no longer a junior but a senior. I am Raymond senior now.'

Maya tried to laugh but it still hurt a little when she did. She needed to support her abdomen with a pillow before laughing.

'You do realise that your son is now Ray J.'

'Noooo! He will be Rj.'

Maya climb out of the backseat of the car assited by their driver when they got home, to find the whole family waiting for them.

' Ray,if you don't mind..you can sleep in my bed since our family has decided to take over our house temporarily.'

Maya said as she got ready for bed. The whole family consisting of brothers, sisters, parents, cousins and aunts and uncles had come to welcome the mother and baby home Raymond excused himself to use the bathroom. Where he did his happy dance immediately when he shut the door.

'You are still beautiful to me,in fact you are more than before,you are more beautiful than you've ever been.'

Raymond walked in on Maya starring at her stomach which had slightly increased in size and girth with a sad look on her face. Maya has always been self conscious even as a skinny girl and Raymond knew where her insecurities stemmed from but he had made it his mission to show her that she was definitely beautiful.

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