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Aalam watched as she walked into my office with her big belly leading her. I swear every time she is pregnant she becomes even more beautiful. She might gain a little more weight and gain a stretch mark or two but that's what I love about her being pregnant. My wife is beautiful with her thick thighs,big booty and pudge. She was perfect the first time I saw her and she is perfect today and I would never trade her for anybody in this world, Aalam thought to himself.

'You need to stop undressing me with your eyes.'

He ignored her and got up from his seat. He pulled out a chair for her to sit down and spun her around as he sat on the desk, so that she was facing him.

'shhhhh... '

He said when she tried to speak and kissed her red lipstick painted plump lips. Gabby tried to push him away but he grabbed onto her chin and used his long tongue to ask for entrance. He was not interested in talking and made sure she understood that when he helped her stand and guided her to his office couch. Where he lay her down and began undressing her.

' What's gotten into you?'

She asked when he temporarily let her lips go.

' You!'

He simply replied and kissed her while still unbuttoning her dress. He stopped and took in her beautiful body which was now only in a black lace triumph matching bra and boy shorts set. She pulled him by his designer belt and unbuckled it before sliding down his pants with her bare feet. He unhooked her bra giving her full breasts freedom. They were his most favourite part of her body. He took the left breast nipple into his mouth which made her shiver slightly.

' Shit! Gentle! They are sensitive.'

He slowly sucked on it while sensualy massaging her right one with his hand and caused her to moan out my name. The rest of the other offices could probably hear her but he did not care. He was the boss after all. While she enjoyed the attention on her breasts, he slid his finger in between her thick thighs and she slides apart for better access. Gentlly parting her other lips, he rubbed up and down her now overly moist center.


She hissed which gave him the go ahead to insert a finger into her center after making her scoot foward for easier access. She moaned into his ear when he pumped into her causing the increase in his arousal. In no time he had two fingers going in and out of her.

'Shit! Lam,that feels so good..... yes baby.'

She moaned. In no time she came onto his fingers twice before he slid his pulsating dick into her abnormally tight entrance. Benefits of pregnancy hormones. He could not help but grunt as he pumped into her with slow strokes. Afraid he might hurt her since the hormones had made her body extra sensitive. The adrenaline of being inside made the nails that dug into his back much more bearable.

' Am I hurting you?'

He asked worried when she stopped him but she shook her head no and jumped of the desk. She turned around,held onto the desk and arched her back before postioning herself directly at him. I grabbed onto myself, rubbing up and down to wake him up before sliding into her from behind. It felt so good to be freaky with his own wife.

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