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' What are we playing?'

Aalam asked his son as he plopped onto the couch and grabbed the other controller. Aj was home for the weekend.

' call of duty. '

Aj replied while he kept looking behind his father.

' who are you checking for ?'

Aalam asked when Aj looked behind them at the entrance.

' Just making sure we're alone. Don't want mom walking in on us.'

' Your mother won't be joining us till tomorrow or maybe later tonight.'

His satisfied smile answered any question he had and made him cringe at the same time. He hated the thought of his parents having sex.

' T M I dad!'

' You know this is a normal thing between husband and wife. I know you've thought of it with Bre. Anyway why are you worried about your mother?'

' I want to talk to you 'bout my sperm donor. He came to the school again last week and this time he managed to get in till the principals office. I was called, he had lied saying he was sent by mom to come get me from school.'

Aalam gritted his teeth while he listened to his son.

' I denied knowing him and asked for him never to be allowed on the school premises again.'

' Thanks for letting me know.'

Aalam said grabbing his car keys. Aj followed him out to his car.

' I'm going with you.'

' Aj I think you should stay behind. I don't want you getting hurt.'

' Dad I'm not a little child and I think he needs to get the message from both of us.'

Aalam sighed

' Fine but if your mother asks-'

' We were out with uncle Asher. I know by now.'

Father and son duo drove quietly towards the location a friend had given him of  Ted's whereabouts. Aj knew not to ask anything when he was this mad so he kept quiet till they got to their destination.

' Knock.'

' Dad whose house is this?'

' Junior you asked to come with me so do as I say.'

Aj reluctantly knocked on the door and as soon as the person on the other end opened, his father threw the first punch and pulled him outside at the same time. Neglecting the fact that they were in a predominantly white neighborhood and the police would be coming any minute.

' Aalam what the fuck?'

Aj stood shocked  he never knew his father could throw a punch let alone fight.

' I should have done this seventeen years ago when you went after the girl I loved.'

Aalam said throwing in more punches. Ted managed to get a few punches but nothing to get him off his balance. Neighbors watched on and Aj blocked who he assumed was the girlfriend from going back into the house and calling the police.

' Dad I think we should leave before somebody calls the police.'

Aj said noticing a neighbour pull out his cellphone. He held his father by the shoulders and removed him from Ted.

' I hope you got your message.'

Aj said walking away from a bloody and disheveled Ted.

' Where have you been and where's your father?'

' Yeah 'bout that, can we talk in the kitchen real quick.'

He did not wait for his mother to reply before dragging him into the kitchen and made sure her back was to the kitchen entrance. To keep her from seeing his bloody father walk into the house and upstairs to get changed. He stalled till he came back downstairs and told his mother that it was no longer important leaving her puzzled.

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