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Dominic ran around making last minute preparations for his romantic dinner with Lilian. He changed into a tuxedo and checked on the food before turning down the heat and placing the desert in the refrigerator. He placed the roses on the dining room table and made a trail of rose petals from the front entrance to the dining area with plastic petals. He lit the candles and dimmed the lights. Lilian walked in just as he placed the food on the dinner table.

'What's all this,I thought we were just doing movies and pizza.'

She teased whilst totally amazed by the scenery. He guided her over to the table after greetings were exchanged.

'You're not dressed for pizza though.'

He said admiring the body hugging black dress she had on. She smiled and shrugged her shoulders before sitting down on the chair he had pulled out for her.

' You look beautiful tonight ....... no_not that you don't always look beautiful,I just mean...'

Lily held up her hand to stop him rambling on and smiled when she noticed how nervous he was.

'I know what you meant Nic.. no need to explain and thank you.'

Dominic felt relieved as he kissed her cheek and went back into the kitchen to return with their dinner.

'Something smells delicious. '

Lily smiled as she listened to Dominic explain what he had prepared for her. She had never met a guy who cooked for her,even her former husband did not cook for her or the kids. This was all new to her.

'This is delicious.... where did you learn to cook?'

'Well my mother taught me how to cook but I went to school to become a chef.'

'You love cooking hey'

'Yeah..... that's why I own a few restaurants.'

They continued to conversate while eating their meal and Lily praised his desserts of which she had two servings of.

'Are the boys spending the night at their grandma's?'

Lily nodded yes as she took of her shoes and sat on the couch. Dominic came back down with one of his shirts and gave it to her to change into.

'Here,so you can be more comfortable,I think '


He watched her remove the top part of her dress with her back turned to him before putting on his shirt which landed just below her ass. She pulled down the rest of her dress and just as he expected her to bend over to pick up her dress,she squatted. Leaving him slightly dissapointed,he missed seeing her body.

' So Lily I planned this date to ask you something important.'

Lily looked up at him from inbetween his thighs. He lowered his head and packed her plump lips

'Will you be my girlfriend.'

Lily smiled as she sat up and sat on his waist with her thighs bended back on the couch in either side of his and pulled him in for a kiss. Something she always wanted to do. The kiss was electrifying and breath taking she paused for a minute before attaching her lips to his again. She smiled into the kiss when she felt his lower half respond to her.

'Yes I will'

Slowly she grinded on him making him harder. He grabbed onto her butt cheeks increasing her pace. She moaned into his mouth and smiled when she heard the sound of a condom wrapper being torn. He excused her to put it on and after she slowlydown his manhood as they both took of the rest of their clothing. They were at it all night.

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