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I'm starting with the man in the mirror
(Man in the mirror, oh yeah!)....

' Do you guys know a Donald?'

Ivan asked the other husbands as he threw them each a beer. The were having a their own bonding time while the women were out. Byron and Aalam looked at each other.

' Why are you giving each other that look?'

' We're not sure if Sunny would want us talking about that.'

Aalam said as Ivan grabbed a chair and sat down in front of them.

' Now I really want to know.'

' All I can say is he's nobody to worry about but if you want to find out more. You'll have to talk to her about it.'

' She avoids the question. I've tried and Bella is still mad at me. She doesn't even want to be around me and it really hurts that I scared my baby like that.'

Both men sighed, they would love to help but did not want to overstep boundaries. Ivan understood but he had really hoped to get an answer.

' I for one understand how much it sucks when your little girl won't talk to. I'm not Bre's favorite guy right now and she's not ready to hear anything I want to say. On tge bright side though. I'm back in my own bed.'

Byron said all excited.

' Lucky you Maya kicked me out of our home and I'm back at my parents. Who won't stop reminding me of how dumb and stupid I am.'

Raymond said

' Why don't you just rent a hotel.'

Maxine asked while taking a sip from her beer.

' With another baby on the way I cannot waste money on things like hotels.'

' I feel you. With Jade pregnant so soon after Lamin. I'm trying to save every cent. I'll be buying everything double.'


' How does your mother feel about Jade being pregnant again?'

Dominic asked. He too wanted to share his good news but Lilly had warned him not to say anything till they were safely out of the first trimester. Which was a month and a half.

' She's being her belligerent self. Talking about how I can be sure it's my child. My father almost died laughing when I said because I'm fucking her.'

' You did not say that to your mother!'

Maxine said shocked as the rest of the guys laughed.

' I regretted it after but it's her doing. I was talking to my father and she came out if nowhere to diss my wife. I was mad when Jade refused to attend the family get together but now I understand. My mom can be too much sometimes and staying with my grandmother has made me realise how wrong I've been when it comes to dealing with this feud between my wife and mother.'

' I hope I don't have any such problems in future when it comes to my mother and Nicole. I'd hate to pick sides especially after we're married.'

Maxine said and the guys congratulated her on her engagement.

' Do you guys think I'm being unfair when I refuse Star on meeting her biological father. Kelly wants them to meet but I don't because he never wanted her.'

' How does Star feel about meeting him?'

Raymond asked Amadeo

' I haven't talked to her about it and asked Kelly not to talk to her yet. I just don't want her getting hurt and at the same time I don't want to lose my daughter.'

' You raised Star from day one and she's a smart girl, she knows you love her and it's also her decision of she wants to meet him. I think you should let them meet and then take it from there.'

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