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I can see it in your eyes.
I'm happy knowin' that you're having my baby.
You're the woman I love and I love what it's doin' to you.
Having my baby
You're a woman in love and I love
What's goin' through you....

Since the first day Dominic found out about Lilly's pregnancy he had made it his mission to shower her everyday with love, more love than he was showing her before. After her bad experience with her former husband, who divorced her after the boys because her body had changed and she was no longer beautiful in his eyes, Lilly loved how Dominic embraced her pregnancy. Her former husband made her first pregnancy hell.

' Really Dom?'

' Yes!'

' You know I'm going to get bigger and uglier.'

' And I'll love you more.'

She sighed when she woke up to him placing butterfly kisses on her thirteen week old bump. He did it every chance he got and then spoke to the abdomen like he was talking to Drake and Dino.

' Mommy's a little grumpy today hey princess.'

' How can I not be grumpy Dominic when I didn't not sleep well last night.'

' Wasn't I up with you rubbing your back as you spilled your guts into the toilet, even though I can't stand vomitus.'

' Dom?. Babe can you please me rest of atleast another hour.'

' I wish I could babe but we have our most important clinic visit today and we cannot miss our appointment. Now get up and get ready. The boys are already downstairs cleaned and having breakfast.'

Lilly poured as she sat up in the bed grouchy. She got herself ready. Dominic was excited about this clinic visit since he could finally tell everybody that everyone that he had a new baby on the way, especially his mother.

'Mama wants to know what you want for lunch.'

' I thought we're going to bed after this?!'

Dominic smiled as Lilly pouted for the hundredth time that day. She had become so whiney since the pregnancy and he thought it cute which irritated her. Dominic repeated to his mother what she and the boys wanted before hanging up.

' Well I thought we could go visit my mom since the baby is doing well and you've completed your first trimester. I want to see her face when I tell her she's having a granddaughter.'

Dominic and the twins had it in their minds that Lilly was having a girl. He was a bit disappointed that it was too early to tell the sex.

' You're so sure about this being a girl. It might just be another boy and you'll be so disappointed.'

' You know when you just know you know and I already talked to God and asked him for a girl since I already have two handsome sons. Don't you want it to be a girl. Have a mini you running around the house. Wearing matching outfits and spending my money at mall of Africa?'

Lilly huffed he had his own fairytale idea of how their family us and was going to be and he planned on making his and their dreams a reality. His father and mother had raised them in a happy home a d with so much love. Some people could argue that they were spoilt but he did not see it like that. They came first to their parents and he wanted the same for Dino, Drake and his unborn child. Call him whipped,he did not care.

' First of all it's our money and I'll just be happy when I give birth to a healthy baby.'

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