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Aalam sat on his matrimonial bed while he waited on his wife. It had been four weeks since she woke up from her coma and a week since being discharged. Two months had passed and mother and child were doing better. Their son was also discharged and currently laying in his nursery with the monitor on. He sat up when she walked out with nothing but a towel around her chest and a frown on her face.

' Hey babe, what's wrong?'

Roxy let out a deep breath

' It's nothing. It's silly.'

' Nothing is silly if it puts a frown on your face.'

Roxy removed her towel and began dressing quietly as he watched her. He noticed that she had her arm over her breasts. Roxanne was not much of a talker but today she was overly quiet and it concerned him.

' Are you ever going to tell me what's bothering you or must I use my telepathic powers?'

' I told you that it's nothing.'

' You haven't said much since you had your shower, so it is definitely something. Please talk to me.'

' I just _ I just ..... I noticed while I was in the bathroom that my hair was falling off. It's only been two days since I've been back on chemo. What will happen as I continue. I've also lost so much weight. I look so scary. I just feel so ugly. '

They were home alone with the exception of their newborn. AJ was back in school and Reina was at her cousins for the night. Aalam had made plans for them to have a night out. He gently grabbed  onto her wrist  and  sat her on his lap,half dressed.

' You don't look scary and you're  definitely not ugly. Bald or  not you're  still very much beautiful to me.'

' It's not  funny Aalam.'

' I'm  being  serious. There's nothing much we can do about you losing hair. You could  get a wig or I could  also have  my hair removed  till yours grows back.'

' You would do that for me?'

' Do you think I was joking  when  I said in sickness  and  in health?! I would  do anything  for  you. '

At a lost for words Roxy wrapped her arms around  his neck and  kissed him passionately. Roxy placed her legs on either side of his thighs and deepened  the kiss. She helped Aalam out of his sweater as they continued to make out.  All she had on was her bra and panties . He stood with her in his arms and walked over to the bed placing her on it with his lips still attached to hers.

' No. Can we just leave it on.'

She stopped him when he attempted to take her bra off. The fact that her left breast was surgically deformed made her very self conscious. A lump had to be removed immediately after she woke up from her coma. Aalam removed her bra and kissed all over it. Tears fell  from  her eyes as he recited over and over how beautiful she was  and the reasons he loved her.

' No matter what happens I will always be by your side. Supporting and loving you till our time on this earth is over. You're still very much beautiful to me. '

Aalam wiped the teaes from her eyes with kisses and gook a moment to just look at her and admire her. With hus hand on ber right cheek he grabbed onto her chin and kissed her passionately.  She moaned into the kiss   and wrapped  her arms around  his neck faking over for a minute.

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