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Maya sat in her consulting room thinking about the launch she was going to have in a few days time. She was launching new skincare for Albino people ,when Ray walked in with their son,who he had ditched work to spend the day with.

' say hey mama'

Ray tried to make his seven month old greet his mom.

' what brings you two by?'

'Thought we could take you to lunch before we meet up with the marriage counsellor.'

Maya informed her assistant that she was leaving and to lock up since she will not be back. Maya was a cosmotologist who happened to have a degree dermatology and had her own makeup line. She owned two shops in the island and also distributed it to other African countries. The brand was specifically for all shades of black women.

' I just don't trust him anymore,after he put his hands on me. I was willing to forgive him and work on us but after almost killing me and my son I don't think I can do that. What kind of a marriage will we have if everytime he lifts up his hand,I think the worst.'

The counsellor wrote down what Maya was saying while their son played on a playmat a few feet away from them. She looked at Raymond to say something after Maya had spoken.

' I apologised for that,I'm trying to make it up to you. I know I messed up and it troubles me daily knowing that I almost killed you guys but I'm getting help for that. You know I have never been physical with you before. It's no excuse but please just give me a chance and I will show you that I will never put my hands on you again.'

Maya let out a deep breath and looked at the counsellor but directed her words to Raymond.

' I don't think I can do that,too much has happened and then there's Kim...'

She was abruptly cut off

' but you had that guy.'


Maya lowered her voice when their son started crying.

They continued to go back and forth with the counsellor offering her input here and there before it was time up and they had to leave. She was done with this marriage no matter how many exercises the counsellor made them take. She was currently pissed that he was making them stay in the same house and have decent communication and then now he suggested that they touch. She did not want to be touched in anyway by Raymond.

' where are these dance classes we are supposed to go to located?'

' down by nubianqueen street.'

' your therapist is on some other sh-,I mean stuff. How are dance classes supposed to help our relationship'

Raymond let out a deep sigh and looked at Maya through the review mirror,as she sat in the back seat with her son.

' will you ever forgive me for my trepasses though Maya.'

Maya looked up at him from blowing raspberries on her son's cheeks. Sighing when she noticed his pained expression through the review mirror. She did not reply back but continued to play with her son. A lot of things about her marriage went through her mind. She found herself reminiscing about all their first,the day the got married and the day their son was born.

She recalled how angry he was when he found out about her clinic visit and the look of love,respect and fear when he found out that she was pregnant and going into early labor. There was nothing fixing this broken marriage. They were divorced and she was keeping it that way.

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