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'Oh Max,Hi?'

Nicole greeted and in the same breath questioned her presence on her doorstep when she opened it to find her about to ring her doorbell. Max stood frozen like a statue and did not reply back.

'I thought you were not coming over till tomorrow? Is everything okay?'

She wondered because Max was just standing in her doorstep opening and closing her mouth like a fish while her eyes looked everywhere but at her. Worried,Nicole pulled her in,sat her on her love seat and made sugar water for her because she looked to be in shock.

'Babe what's wrong? Are you okay? Is it your mother? Your grandmother?'

Max did not respond and Nicole kept asking what was wrong. Thoughts of what Jessie had said earlier that day ran through her mind as much after she pretended not to be faded by her words. She did not want Nicole finding out the truth about her but it was better if she heard it from her she thought. She took in a deep breath

'Nicki,babe there is something I need to tell you and please listen first then react later. Just know this is the hardest thing I have ever had to do and after I tell you what I have to tell you,you might not believe this but just know that I love you,frankly I am inlove with you Nicole and this is why I have to tell you this.'

Nicole felt her stomach drop but she kept her composure and told a visibly nervous Maxine to proceed. Hoping whatever it was it was not cheating because she could not handle it if history repeated itself.

'Nicole... I haven't been completely honest with you. Uh.. I don't know if you recall when we first met I had a girlfriend'

Nicole nodded for yes keeping in mind she asked her not to interrupt till she was done.

'Well her and I never broke up,I kind of have been cheating on you or let me say on her with you...'

Nicole could not believe what she was hearing. She quickly moved away from where she was seated and now starred down at Maxine,slowly trying to calm herself as she continued.

'It was her plan that I date you after I confessed to get about sleeping with you and she suggested that I get you to fall for me and then break your heart. I was reluctant to do it at first but because I was blinded by love it what I thought was love,I agreed...'

Nicole was now pacing up and down in her living room trying to handle this news in the best way possible and in a rational manner because if she did not calm down somebody would be going to jail for murder tonight.

' So you came into my home,around my kids,pretending to care about us when all along.. it was just a game to you and your girlfriend. Was your grandmother even sick or did you lie about that too!'

Maxine stood up to hold her in an effort to calm her but Nicole backed away from her.

'DON'T! '

'Nicole I love you and I swear I did not know about your history with Jessie till you told me yesterday,she had told me something totally different from what you said -'

Maxine was cut off while trying to plead her case.

'Did you just say Jessie?! You mean to tell me,your girlfriend is my abusive ex girlfriend?! Get out!'

'Nicki wai-'

'I said. GET OUT!!'

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