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I do everything with my left, I know you'll see it trifiling
Listen baby I ain't nowhere near perfect
But I promise to promise to make it all worth it
Giving you the things to be the man...

' I overheard you tell Amir that you still loved me but were no longer in love with me. Could you explain that.'

' Byron that's why you brought me out here?!, to remind me of a conversation I had with our son.'

Gabriella sighed

' No I just want  to understand why you let me back into our bed if you don't love me anymore.'

' I said I'm no longer in love with you.  You should remember that what you did hurt me and it made me see you in a different light. It's not that I thought you couldn't cheat but I thought you would have the sense not to do it with everything you and I have been through.  I ask you almost every month if you were happy with us and our marriage trying to avoid such surprises but you never said anything.'

' That's because I am and was happy.'

' Then why did you sleep with another woman.'

Byron stuttered and shrug his shoulders unable to give her a straight answer.

' See I will always love you but as for being in love I don't know if you'll ever get that back.'

Byron sat back in his chair and ran his hand over his face ending at his beard. He sat quietly for a minute pulling at it while starring at her with sparkly eyes.

' Gabby I know that you haven't completely regained your trust in me but I'm willing to do anytime to rebuild that trust we used to have.'

Gabriella just starred at her husband thinking of the right words to say.

' I hear you Byron but at this stage I need actions not words. Be what you're promising for me to fully trust you.'

' I am making it my mission to do all that and more. It just want things to go back to how we were.'

' Unfortunately we can never go back to how we were but it doesn't mean we cannot start anew.'

Gabriella said poking into her meal. Byron had taken her out to a fancy restaurant to talk about their marriage. Even though she had let him into their bedroom there was still tension.

' I got the baby's paternity results today.'

Gabriella sighed out loud and dropped her fork into her plate. Ever since they found out about Omuhle's pregnancy she had worried if she was going to be a stepmother. If her husband was going another stereotypical  black man with children out of wedlock.

' And?'

Her stomach expecting the worst. They had discussed this with the therapist and she had promised herself that if the baby was his she would not go crazy. She took in a deep breath and  patiently waited on his answer.

' The baby isn't mine. I told you. I'm really trying Gabby.'

Gabriella sighed

' Are you really telling me right now that I should act like all of this never happened. How would you feel if I was the one to put you through what you put me through?'

They had had a full on argument when she found out that his mistress was accusing him of being the father of her unborn and when he confirmed that he had not used protection on some occasions it hurt and she moved out for a few days just to clear her head.

' I promise I'll make fall in love with me all over again.'

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