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'I am not angry at the fact that you were taking birth pills. I'm mad that you let me believe that we were working on another baby when you knew it was not happening anytime soon. You basically lied to my face Kelly.'

'Amadeo I said I am sorry okay but the look on your face when you asked me for another baby,made it hard for me to tell you the truth. I was wrong and I am sorry.'

' You like doing shit like this and then expecting a sorry to magically fix this.'

' What the hell do you want from me. I told you on many occasions that I don't want a child but you kept forcing it. So to get you off my back. I had to lie.'

Amadeo sighed before grabbing his keys. Kelly followed him as he walked out of their bedroom. Their children were downstairs watching television.

'Where are you going?'

'Kelly I just need some fresh air before I do or say something I cannot take back.'

Kelly looked at him and shook her head. He always does this.

' Don't you dare wall out after you started this damn argument!!'

She tried grabbing onto his arm but he jerked it away before she could grab onto it.

'Don't wait up.'

He said before walking out the front door as she slumped onto the stairs in tears. She sat with her face in between her knees before standing up and heading into their bedroom. She washed her face in their bathroom then went into the kitchen to prepare dinner for her family. She called the kids when their food was ready. Not feeling hungry she just sat with them and watched them eat.

'Mommy where is daddy?'

Their son asked her. Star was quiet since she had heard them argue earlier.

' He had to go somewhere he will be back later.'

'Is he mad at me?'

'No why do you think that baby?'

'Because he did not tell me he was leaving. We were supposed to play the game on my PlayStation today.'

Kelly took the plates after reassuring her son that his father was not mad at him and would be home later to play with him. He seemed to accept her explanation and went back to the television room with his sister. Amadeo walked into the house as Kelly was washing dishes. He gave her a kiss on the cheek before taking out his food from the microwave then sitting down to eat. He helped with the dishes and sat Kelly on the counter as soon as she was done.

'I want you to trust me and always feel free to tell me anything. I promise to do my best to be understanding. We are getting married in a few months and we cannot keep hiding things from each other because we are afraid of disappointing the other. We won't always agree on certain issues but that doesn't mean we should keep things from one another and I am sorry for walking out earlier. I promise that's the last time I walk out during a discussion.'

Kelly kissed him before mentioning that she too was sorry and that he was forgiven. They made out on the kitchen counter before Kelly remembered that her son was waiting on him. She sent him on his way after promising to attend to his needs when the children were asleep. Then headed upstairs to take a relaxing bath,she felt relieved now that they had really talked it out.

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