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' Hey princess daddy would like to talk to you.'

Amadeo said opening her daughters bedroom door after she gave permission for him to come in. Bella sat up on her bed as he walked in.

' Is this about Terrence?'

Amadeo looked at her surprised.

' Who told you about him?'

' Mom, she asked if I wanted to meet him and I'll think about it.'

' So are you done thinking?'

Amadeo did his best not  to show how angry he was with what Kelly had done. He put it at the back of his mind for later and concentrated on his daughter.

' On one hand I would  like to meet and see him, just to know what he looks like and on the other hand I don't want to hurt you.'

' Princess you'd never hurt me. Terrence is your father and after much thought I think you should meet and get to know him. Maybe now you'll have two dad's who will take you to the mall with your annoying friends.'

Star folded her arms on her chest, she looked exactly like her mother.

' My friends are not annoying dad. You just don't understand them.'

' Maybe. So when would you like to meet him?'

' Is it possible now. We can meet him at our favourite spot and don't worry I won't share it with him. I just need a familiar place.'

' You said we? Do you want me to go with you?'

' Do you want me to meet with a strange man alone?'

Amadeo smiled at her. In that moment he realised  how much his little girl had grown and how he wished he could keep her from growing.

' He's your father and I thought you'd want to go with your mother.'

' You sound like mom right now and I want to go with you. Unless you don't want to go with me.'

She pulled the sad puppy face at him. Star knew how to get Amadeo to do what she wanted ever since she was one.

' Get ready while I'll call him.'

Amadeo headed into the bedroom where Kelly was taking a nap with AJ. He shook his head and took her cellphone which was on the side table. He went through it searching for Terrence's number only to find more than he expected. Amadeo put the phone away and made arrangements.

' Princess let's go. He says he's not far from where you suggested you guys meet.'

' Okay. Let's go then.'

Amadeo noticed how quiet she was as he drove her towards the destination. Star was not a shy child and always had something to talk about.

' Princess are you Okay?'

' Yeah daddy just nervous about this meeting.'

She shifted in her seat uncomfortably. Amadeo drove up to the ice cream and  milkshake shop and as soon as he parked his car, Star was out to book a table for them and order their favourite milkshake.

' I ordered us the cherry milkshake to share.'

' That's the pink one right?'

Star sighed

' Yes dad. I've only ordered it like a hundred times.'

Their order came and Terrence walked in twenty minutes later.

' I thought it was just going to be you and I princess.'

Amadeo bit his tongue, he did not want to influence any decision she made. He wanted her to put Terrence in his place not him.

' I cannot meet a strange man alone now can I?'

As soon as Terrence sat down Star bombarded him with questions about his absence.

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