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' oooo.... I sure needed this'

Kelly exclaimed as the masseuse molded her skin in between her fingers.

' You needed it!what for?! Refusing to accept your long time boyfriend's marriage proposal. Bitch please! I needed this because my husband left me for another woman and now that I've found someone who loves me and makes me feel special. His lightskin ass wants to call and say "hey what's up?" Like bitch this dick I'm sitting on is what's up.'

Lily almost shouted

' No,you did not say that!'

Roxy acclaimed in amusement as Lily laughed

' No but I was riding on some damn good dick when he called.'

The girls erupted in laughter

' So Kelly who is the poor guy you refuse to marry?'

Gabby asked,Kelly explained her story to the girls with her friends adding here and there how great of a guy Amadeo was and that they did not agree with her refusing to marry him.

'I understand your point Kelly. To be honest since the day I found out about my husband's affair I've been feeling like Beyonce. Regretting the day I put this ring on but you cannot not get married because you are afraid that it will not work.'

Kelly gave no response back.

'If you don't want him I'll gladly take him,since I'm newly divorced and all.'

Teased Maya

' You are divorced?'

Jade asked while piling her bowl full of the fruit salad. Gabriella had been watching her behaviour closely for a couple of days now

'Well he gave me the divorce papers and I signed them. If he has filed them or not I don't know ...'

Maya proceded to explain to how she ended up being a divorced woman. The ladies listened attentively to her and tried their best to comfort and reassure her.

' do you think you can forgive your husband for the affair?'

Sunshine asked her friend Gabriella as the other ladies continued with a different conversation.

'I really don't know right now. I know what he did hurt me but I am still inlove with him and I have never seen myself with nobody else but right now,I'm just not sure.'

Gabby let out a deep breath,it was not easy talking about her husband's infidelity.

'In college when you found out he had cheated,you came back home just to fuck him up and his car but this time you seem to calm,why?'

Jade asked as she sat down next to her while sipping on a colourful drink.

'Trust me, I've thought of smashing it everyday since he confessed but I am a grown woman now and I have to think of my kids. What if Brianna had to see her mom on social media going crazy while at school. It would mess her up. I'm just waiting for her to come home so we can tell her together with the boys.'

Gabby replied

'I don't have time to be the bigger man,I break and smash and beat up whoever approached the other.'

Kelly said making everyone laugh. Jade's cellphone rang and she checked the caller identification before declining it.

' Who is that you have stored as S.O.B?'

Lily asked

' My husband,he's another one who might have to sign walking papers.'

Jade replied

The ladies became livid when she told them that he put his hands on her. The women had become very close after only knowing each other for a few hours,they spoke with each other and teased each other like they had known each other for a long time.

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