There was a weak cry as soon as the doctor annouced that the baby was out but as soon as it started it stopped,making husband and wife panic. There was a sudden rush in the operating theatre as the peaditrician and nurse attended to her son while the surgeon and nurse repaired her.
' Lam,he's not crying. Go check on him'
Aalam tried to calm his wife but she became frantic and collapsed in the operating table.
That was two weeks and Roxy was still to wake up from her coma. Their son was doing well even though he was still unable to breathe without oxygen but he atleast was removed from a ventilator and put on nasal prongs. Being that when Roxy fell pregnant, she was still on chemotherapy, their son's growth in utero was slightly underweight for a six month baby. The dietitian and obstetrician were not too worried and had put her on a diet. With the hope that by the time his term, he would have gained enough and he had gained zero point three kilograms so far.
' On your way to the hospital?'
' Yeah AJ. Your aunt and grandma are on their way to watch you guys till I get home. Whatever time that may be.'
' We don't need a babysitter dad.'
' I know but I can't worry about your mother and baby brother then worry about if you guys here.'
Reina walked into the main bedroom just as AJ angrily mumbled something under his breath and walked out.
' Daddy my teach-'
' Not now Reina. I have to go check on your little brother and mommy.'
' but dad this _'
' REINA! I- '
Aalam noticed how frightened his daughters was at his sudden outburst and crouched down to her level to apologize.
' Baby girl.. I'm sorry daddy didn't mean to scream at you but can we talk about this tomorrow morning. Daddy has a lot on his mind right now.'
Reina removed her father's hands from her shoulders and walked out without a word. Aalam sighed when he heard her slam her bedroom door and continued preparing for another night by his wife and son's bed.
' Dad there's something we need to talk about.'
' AJ not you too. I'm already late. Can we discuss whatever this is tomorrow?'
' But dad it's important.'
' Sorry bud. I have to go. I promise tomorrow I will attend to you and your sisters problems.'
AJ understood that his mother and brother were critical but he could not understand why they had to be put at the back of the burner. They too were worried but no one asked them how they were doing. He and Reina wanted to see their mother but Aalam would dismiss them by saying not yet or he did not think they should see her right now.
' I swear we don't exist anymore.'
AJ sighed walking into the living room after his father had left. He grabbed his cellphone and called the only person who he could only talk to. He then left too as soon as his aunt walked in.
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' He was placed on my chest today. Something called kangaroo mother care but I guess in my case it's father care. I cannot wait for you to meet him though. I hate that I have to feed him someone else's breastmilk though. He needs you. Aalam and Reina need you. I wish there was a way you could tell me you hear me and are going to wake up.'
Aalam squeezed at his wife's hand hoping she would do the same but just like the past two weeks, he got no response.