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'Just go talk to her,she's a very forgiving and understanding woman. I know she will listen to you if she does not forgive you for your stupidity.'

Aalam adviced

'I really said some foul shit to her man and on top of that every promise I've ever made to her. I failed to uphold because I could not keep my dick in my pants but I think I hurt her like I've never have,when I said that shit.'

Ivan sighed into his hands,he sat with his friends.

'I do not get you guys,you have the best women in RichMelanin. They don't make them like our wives anymore but you idiots had to do some dumb shit and you won't even take the step to fix your relationships. I was doing some dumb shit too but I sat down and thought about the shit I was doing and who I was really hurting and I saw that I needed to man up to make my marriage work.'

Aalam was losing his patience with his friends.

'Ivan is here talking to the woman he had loved since college like some girl he met at the bar. You,Maliq you listened to your mother about your wife and in the process slept with your ex and you refuse to come clean before she does. Byron,we were always jealous about your marriage but you fell into temptation. Now your marriage and whole life can end any day now.'

Ivan drove towards Sunshine's house with everything that Aalam said a few days ago after their game of basketball. He decidedto take his advice since Sunny had come over to apologize.

' You know you've been sitting in that car for about fifteen minutes,it's starting to creep us out.'

Ivan was startled by a voice in his ear,he turned to find Sunny peaking at him through the passenger side window which he left open.

'Where's Bella?'

'It's like ten p.m.,she's probably dreaming about fairies and unicorns by now. Get in.'

Ivan did not expect to get a warm reception from her after the things he had said,her attitude caught him off guard. He grabbed the gifts he brought for them and followed her into the house.

'If you came for her,you'll have to come tomorrow after school because we have plans for when I pick her up. Come around at three or I can drop her at your place?'

Ivan was not paying attention to what she was saying he was preparing himself for some serious begging and pleading.

'I actually came here because I wanted to talk to you.'

Sunny took her yoghurt and told him they could talk in the living area as they were seated in the kitchen. She sat on the couch as she waited in him to speak.

'Sunshine,I came to apologise... I said things I should have not said three weeks ago. I know what I said hurt you and I apologise. I don't know why I said - no I was stupid and dumb. Sunshine you know I am not really good at expressing myself but I want to ask you for one last chance to prove myself. I know you gave me a chance but I messed up. I want to spend the rest of my life with just you and my daughter. I know I haven't been the best man in a long time and I promise that I will change,I am changing and I will do anything to have you back,just say one last chance.

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