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' So when did you get here? I thought you were coming home next week.?'

Roxy asked her son as they sat on the couch

'Well dad got me an early realease since we were done with our exams and said that you missed me.'

Roxy smiled lovingly at her husband who sat next to her rubbing on her big belly. She pecked his lips repeatedly before her son spoke up.

'Well that's my que to leave.'

'Where are you going you just got here?'

'I'll be back later mom,I'll be with Calvin.'

Roxy wanted to protest but Aalam stopped her.

' Let him go,you'll have him for the rest of the week besides I want to spend some quality time with you. It's been a while and soon the baby will be here and you'll have little to no time for me.'

He said putting on a sad face making Roxy sigh then agree. Reina came rushing down the stairs with her backpack and greeted her mother before explaining she was having a sleep over at one of her friends house and her father had agreed. Aalam helped his wife up from the couch and and walked with her into their dining area with his hands on her baby bump and her infront of him. He placed soft kisses on her neck as they walked.

Roxy was brought to tears when she walked into a romantic scenery made for the movies in her dinning area. There in the center of the room was a beautifully decorated table for two,with electric candles and red rose petals on the table. He managed to place a few amounts of rose petals on the table not to make it look dirty. She turned to thank him but she was surprised when her eyes met with a bouquet of different flowers,which mainly consisted of red roses and some type of daises. She took the flowers and gave him a sensual kiss and put them in a vase that was already waiting in the corner of the room in a table. Aalam pulled a chair for her to sit and then proceeded to fetch their dinner from the kitchen before sitting down with her.

'What did I do to deserve such delicious food,flowers and dinner date?'

Roxy asked after they had prayed for their food and were now eating. He smiled at her and replied that it's because she married him before intertwining his free hand with hers.

'I haven't been the best husband lately Rox. You know since we have been together this is the longest time we've ever argued and not had sex. I love you Roxanne and I am sorry for being so difficult and selfish this past months.'

Roxy scooted her chair a little closer to him before lifting up his head which was hung low and proceeded to give him a warm kiss.

' Aalam there is nothing to forgive,your fears were founded and so was your anger. It was wrong for me to take decisions on my own as a married woman and I apologise.'

Aalam picked her up from her chair after they had kissed and walked her into the nearest bedroom in the house which was a guest room.

'Babe our food?'

He ran out to put their food in the oven before running back into the room,to find his pregnant wife in nothing but her underwear seated on the edge of the bed. She smiled as she motioned for him to come to her with her index finger.

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