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' I thought my husband told you over the phone that my sister does not want to talk to you. What are you doing here?'

'Simi please just let me talk to her.'

'Go talk to your mother Maliq. Like you've been doing all along and leave my little sister alone because she wants nothing to do with your stupid lightskin ass. Now get the fuck off my doorstep.'

Simi Jade's older sister said. Jade  has been living with for the past three weeks. Jade and Maliq had got into another argument after she tried to apologise for the things he saw on social media but him being a hard head called her out of her name and they had another whole new argument after which she left to live with her older sister.

' I'm not leaving. She might not want to speak to me but I need to.'

In a family there's always that sibling as a husband or boyfriend that you are afraid of and Simi is who Maliq fears . I do not know how her husband Sam deals with her, he thought. It took him three weeks just to get the courage to come look for her. Simi slammed the door in his face after that and  he rang it again, prepared to run if Simi returned with a weapon. I have to get my wife back even if it kills me, he thought.


Sam,Simi's husband sighed when he opened the door to find him standing in the cold. He was white so he pronounced his name in a funny way. He shook his head probably pitying me and stood looking at him.

'Sam,please just tell her I am not going anywhere until she talks to me. I need to talk to her.'

He walked back into my car after that statement to wait on his wife. If there were dumb husband awards right now, he deserved it. He seemed to be ruining his marriage everytime he opened his mouth.

24h45..... FIVE HOURS LATER....

'Jade the poor boy is freezing outside,just go out there and tell him to go home at least. He refuses to eat,Sam tried to sneak him food. He thought I didn't notice.'

Jade grabbed her purple fluffly night gown and tied it around her waist. After slipping on her warm slippers she slowly walked outside. She knocked on his car window since he was asleep. He quickly jumped out of the car to help her into the car since it was nearing winter and it was pretty cold outside.

'I am not climbing in,just came to tell you to -'

Jade's eyes were closed with her right fingers massaging the side of her head. He assumed she had a headache since that's what she did when having a headache but her statement was abruptly cut short when she swayed to the side,she was falling. Maliq grabbed her before she got the ground.

'Jade babe wake up.'

He gently slapped her face but she did not respond. He screamed for her sister and her husband to call an ambulance.


'Mr. Highness your wife has an elevated blood pressure....'

The doctor explained to him that his wife had pre-eclampsia and that they wanted to try get down her blood pressure then after it's low, they will operate on them. He hoped that by the next day they would have gotten it down since his son was also in danger.  Jade was now thirty-two weeks so he has a high chance of making it.

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