Chapter 1

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I now pushed my legs. Willing them to go faster. All I could really think about was leaving my dear parents behind. "Hurry Eve!" My older sister Jayne yelled; pulling me out of my thoughts. Grabbing my hand she ran even faster. Soon I saw our home come up over the horizon. Our home. The home I grew up in. This house used to bring me joy just thinking about all the good memories I had. But all it held for me now... Was fear. My sister threw open the door and ran to the one place our parents NEVER allowed us to go. The basement.

Jayne knelt down beside me as she said "Eve, don't be afraid, but you must go down there." She must have seen my confusion for she sighed and said "Without me."

I started to panic then. "But Jay!?" I started. "Mother said that we aren't allowed to.." but Jayne cut me off.

"No!; EVE LISTEN TO ME!" She yelled.

Jayne had never yelled at me before. For the first time ever I saw real.. Fear in my sisters eyes. "We don't have time. Please just go." She gave me a hug to calm me down. "I'll be right here. By the door, I promise." All I could do was nod. "Okay, I'll come get you when it's time alright? I love you baby girl." She said kissing my forehead. "Everything's gonna be fine. No matter what happens, I promise." She exclaimed giving me one more hug and then practically pushing me down the stairs and slamming the door. Leaving me in darkness.

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