Chapter 2

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TIM POV: Tonight's show has been planned for a while now. Faith doesn't get too many chances lately to get out on stage and perform. I told her she could tour and I would stay with the girls, but she doesn't mind. She loves being with the kids.  I'm mostly there, my shows are mainly weekend shows with a few every now and then during the week ones. Now that Gracie and Maggie are in school, I try to make sure my tour starts around when they get out of school until right before they go back. This way we can spend some time as a family during the summer vacation from school. Faith and I also make sure there's a week or two during those times, where we can take a family vacation.  We go over everything with our managers around end of the year to give them plans for the following year.  We always also make sure we aren't apart for more than 3 days. For the most part it works out. During when I tour, Faith and the girls will come out with me every so often and I love it.  I finished getting ready early, so I had some time to hang out the girls. Gracie was with me, so I decided to go back to Faith's. "Come on Gracie, let's go see mommy before she goes on stage" "okay daddy" I take her hand and we head to Faith's dressing room. Faith was just coming out "Faith.." "hey" "you going out there now?" "yeah it's time" "oh okay, hold on a second" I turned to Gracie. "Can you go with meemaw and your sisters for a little while?" "yes!" "good girl" I let her in with my mom and her sisters. I walked back out. "Come on, I'll walk with you to the stage" she smiled I grabbed her hand as we walked to the stage. I can see she was nervous "You will be fine! Have a great show" I said and gave her a kiss and she went on stage.  I stood for a few minutes watching her then I heard "daddy" I turned around to see Gracie and Maggie" "hey how did you two get here?" "We walked" I couldn't help but laugh "I know that, but where's meemaw?" "she's coming. Audrey was waking up" "oh okay" "daddy can we watch mommy?" "Sure" I grabbed there hands and lead them in front of me. They love watching her sing.  Before her set was over, I saw the girls getting tired, I brought them back to Faith's dressing room, where my mom was with Audrey. "Hey mom, can you take them back to the hotel?" "sure you don't want them to stay?" "they are getting tired" "well I can put them to bed here" "yeah true, Alright that's fine. If you do decide to go back to the hotel, just let me know" "will do" I walked back out to the side of the stage. Faith was just finishing. "You did great baby" "Thanks. It was a lot of fun being out there on that stage again" I could tell how happy she was. She went back to her dressing room, while I prepared to get on stage for my set.

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