Chapter 21

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FAITH POV: I got home from doing some errands and shopping for Christmas. Audrey was with me and started to get cranky and tired, so I left to go home. Thankfully Tim called and is picking up the kids from school. I got home and put Audrey down in her crib. She had fallen asleep in the car. Thankfully, when I laid her down in her crib, she stayed asleep. I then grabbed all my packages and hid them in my special hiding place.  I then went back downstairs and Tim and the kids were coming in the house.  "Hey kids, how was school" "it was okay" Maggie said "yeah okay" Gracie said. Dylan looked a little sad. "Is everything alright Dylan?" "yeah I'm just tired" "oh okay, do you feel okay?" "not really" I walked ever and felt his head. "He feels warm" I looked up at Tim "can you grab the thermometer?" "sure" I Then turned to Dylan "does anything hurt?" "My throat and head" Tim came back in with the thermometer. I took his temp it was 101. I went and grabbed some medicine. "Here sweetie, take this" he took the medicine. "Come let's get you to your room" "okay" I walked up with him and helped him change. He then lied down in his bed. "Thank you for taking care of me" "oh honey, it's my pleasure. Get some rest" "okay... Faith" "yeah" "I.. I love you" I smiled and could feel the tears in my eyes. I walked over to him and hugged him.  he smiled. "Faith thank you for being the best mommy" I smiled  I walked out and went back downstairs. "What's wrong?" Tim asked "Dylan, he just told me I'm the best mom he's ever had" "He did?" "yeah" Tim ssmiled "well you are a great mom. Dylan and our girls are very lucky to have you as their mom" I smiled "i'm going to make some chicken noodle soup for him and if he's not better tomorrow morning, I'm going to bring him to the doctor. I want to make sure he doesn't have strep" "okay" I then walked in the kitchen and started to make the soup. I even got dinner going. I then heard crying from the baby monitor. "TIM!.. TIM!" "yeah right here" "can you get Audrey for me please?" "sure"  he came running in with her. "Faith, I think Audrey is sick" "what?" "yeah she had vomit all over her crib" "Let me take her and clean her up. Can you get the crib" "do I have to?" "Tim.." he laughed "Alright, alright,. I was kidding. It's gross but I'll do it"  he then left. I felt her head and she felt warm. Great now I have two sick kids. Audrey's temp was at 102. I gave her some Tylenol hoping that would help.  This is going to be a long night.

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