Chapter 53

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FAITH POV: We got to take Dylan home after a couple of hours at the hospital. He was really tired. I got him to bed. Then checked on the girls. They were all asleep. I walked in my bedroom and saw Tim. He got up. "How is he?" "good considering" "yeah is he still awake?" "yeah" he then started to leave. "Where are you going?" "I just want to tell him goodnight" "oh okay"
TIM POV: I walked in Dylan's room. He was still awake "dad.." "hey bud, you alright?" " yeah, sorry about earlier" "you don't have anything to apologize for" "yes I do. I thought you didn't want me. I knew she was lying but.." "hey come here" I said as I sat by him and he came over and sat on my lap. "You are not to blame for any of this. She was trying to fill your head with lies. But I want you to know something. I love you like you were my own" "but aren't I?" I smiled "yes! That's right you are my son in every way possible" "I love you too dad" he gave me a hug. "Get some sleep, goodnight" "goodnight" I then walked out and back to my room. Faith was just coming out of the bathroom. "Everything alright?" she asked "yeah it is now" "Tim talk to me. Something is bothering you" "it was just walking into that basement of that house and seeing the look on his face. I expected him to run to me when he saw me, but he was terrified" "baby he wasn't scared of you" "yeah I know that now. It just took me by surprise. Remember when we first got him? He was attached to me. He really took to me and now I feel like I failed him" I sat down on the bed and Faith sat beside me. "Hey you didn't fail him" "I did. I should've protected him better. I could've done more but I didn't" There was a knock at the door. Faith got up. "Hey Dylan, what's wrong?" "I fell asleep but then had a bad dream" I got up and walked over. "Want me to stay with you tonight?" he smiled "yeah" I looked at Faith, she smiled "go on" "Dylan go to your room, I'll be right there" "okay" he then walked to his room. "I love you" I said and kissed her "I love you too" I then went to Dylan's room. "Dad, you can stay till I fall asleep" "you sure?" "yeah but can you leave the door open with the light on?" "sure bud anything you want" I then laid with him until he fell asleep then went back to my room and Faith.

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