Chapter 30

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FAITH POV: I walked upstairs and Dylan was in his room alone. "Hey you alright?" "yeah" he sounded sad. I walked in and sat next to him on his bed. "You know you can tell me anything" "you won't be mad?" "oh honey of course not" "it's just.. Sometimes I wish my mommy and daddy were still alive and that they cared about me" "I know honey. I know. I have something to tell you, that I never did" "what?" "Well when I was a baby, I was adopted by my parents" "really?" "yes, so you see, even though I was adopted, they were my parents. Do you understand?" "Kind of" "you see, my biological parents, my mom who gave birth to me, I got the chance to meet her" "so what happened?" "Well, she's a nice lady. We've had a relationship since, but I never met my father" "Why is that?" "he had died in a car accident" "like my mom and dad" "exactly. So you see, it doesn't matter if Tim and I aren't your real parents, but we love you just the same as if you were, just like my parents" "I understand" "Good. now want to tell me what's wrong?" "I am scared kids at school will tease me" "oh honey, you don't have anything to worry about and why would they tease you?" "Because, I don't have parents and..." "Look at me. You do have parents. Tim and me. We will always be here for you! Always, just like we are here for Gracie, Maggie, and Audrey" he smiled and hugged me "I love you sweet boy" "love you too.. Mom" that made me smile and have tears in my eyes at the same time. I'm so glad he feels this way.

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