Chapter 9

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FAITH POV: "You what?" "I'm sorry I just thought.." Before he could finish, I crashed my lips to his and kissed him. After we pulled away. He smiled "so I take it you're not mad?" "of course not. I know we only had him a day but I really am fond of him" "Me too. Doesn't matter where he came from" "I agree!" "okay well I need to contact Jeff" "Jeff?" "lawyer, I want him to get the paperwork going" "oh alright. Why don't you eat dinner first?" "this won't take long. I want to get it going" "okay" I got the kids at the table to eat.  After a couple of slices, Dylan still looked hungry. "You can have more if you want" I said "really?" "yes of course" He then went for another piece. Tim then came back. "Is there any left?" he asked laughing" "yeah of course"  After he ate, he helped me clean everything up, after everything was cleaned up, he helped with with the kids. Once everyone was bathed and in their pj's it was time for bed.  We noticed Dylan sitting in the hallway.  "I'll go finish with Gracie and Maggie" he said. I smiled and walked over to him. "Hey what's wrong?" He looked up at me and I can see tears coming down his face. "Dylan? it's okay you can tell me anything" "you won't get mad?" "oh honey of course not" "I just don't know what it's like to have a home. I know this isn't forever" "oh sweetie, don't you worry about that alright?" "but, I like it here" "you do?" "yeah" "can I ask you something?" "sure" " Do you remember anything about your parents?" "No not really. I mean when they were alive, they never paid attention to me. They would never be home and when they were I used to see them taking things" "things? What things?" "I know they were drinking a lot but they had these needles I would see them put into themselves and putting stuff up there nose"  I didn't know what to say. "Honey was anyone ever been with you? To take care of you?" "no" "come on. Let's get you to bed" He got up and I took him to one of the guest rooms. "Faith..are you going to leave me too?" "Oh honey I would never leave you" he smiled. I gave him a kiss and watched as he fell asleep. I walked out and went into my bedroom. Tim was already in there. I sat down and just cried. "What's wrong?" Tim asked as he put his arm around me.

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