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FAITH POV: It's been a crazy year. Dylan has been doing amazing!  Debbie was sentenced to the rest of her life pretty much in prison. I couldn't be happier. She is out his life and ours. For the first few weeks after he was kidnapped, he had some nightmares but they went away thankfully. He's talked to me and Tim and told us everything she said and did to him. I hate her. I can't believe she would do what she did to her own grandson! But she will never hurt him again. She's tried to contact him with letters, but we just throw them away. He doesn't need to see that and be reminded of her. Dylan is now 8 years old.  Gracie is turning 8 soon. School is almost out for the year. Tim is getting ready to tour and I'm working on a new album.  Things otherwise have been back to normal kind of. Just craziness and busy with four children. But I wouldn't change it for anything. We adopted Dylan just over a year ago. When it reached one year, we had a small party with just family.  Once the kids are out of school, we are taking a family vacation, just the six of us. Dylan hasn't seen our island in the Bahamas yet, so we are taking him and all the kids. We showed him pictures and he's so excited. And of course what Gracie and Maggie have been telling him. They are all close. I couldn't be happier.  Tim came home. "Hey baby" "Hey rehearsals got done early?" "yeah I wanted to spend some time with my wife" "oh that's so sweet" "I try, so where's Audrey?" "your mom's" "oh so we have the house to ourselves?" "yeah why?" "well I was hoping.." "I have things to do" "oh come on.. Please" He put his lip out like he was pouting. I laughed "oh hell, why not!" he picked me up and carried up upstairs and brought me to our room. He laid me down on the bed and started to kiss me. "If I would've known this is what you had in mind.." "what?" "I would of in a heartbeat" He smiled "I love you so much" "I Love you too" He then continued to kiss me and soon we were making love. I love these times we can spend together, just us. It was perfect.  As I lay here in his arms, I can't help but think how lucky we are. Three amazing, beautiful daughters and our son. He's truly our angel boy!


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