Chapter 20

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TIM POV: I got Jeff our lawyer to work on the adoption paperwork. Hopefully it can get done. I know it can take awhile. I just don't know what Faith will do if we lose Dylan. Me too. I've really grown to love that little boy as if he was my own and besides it's been great not being the only man in the house. But in the meantime, we have to as normal as possible. Faith and I both have pretty much off the rest of the year. I have a show after the Thanksgiving holiday. But I will fly out day of the show and come back home afterwards. Faith is out shopping for Christmas presents already. I know she's getting Dylan also, I just hope he's still with us. Just never know, even though it's getting into the holidays. But It's been a few weeks now since I last spoke to Jeff our lawyer. I don't think we will know anything new until after the holidays. She has Audrey with her and the girls are in school. I have a meeting with my manager to go over things for next year. "Hey Scott!" "hey Tim! How's it going?" "Good can't complain" "Alright, so you ready to go over plans for next year?" "yes sir!" "Alright so the tour you want to start when?" "In May is good and go through August" "Alright, I will get on that!" "thanks! Oh and everything else as far as days off, vacation, I will email to you. I have to go over some things with Faith first" "oh okay. No problem" "Alright so is that it?" "Yeah I think so" "okay if anything else comes up, just let me know" "Will do" "Tim.." "yeah" "so how is it going with that little boy?" "Good! We are hoping to adopt him" "That's great" "yeah it is. But we have run into some problems" "What problems?" "Well there may be some family out there" "Really? And they are deciding to come forward now?" "no not exactly. They are searching to see if there are any" "well hopefully it will all work out" "yeah I hope so. Well I need to get going" "Alright talk to you soon. Have a good holiday" "Thanks man you too" I then left. I called Faith "Hello" "Hey baby it's me" "hey so how did your meeting go?" "Very good. Want me to pick up the kids from school?" "yes please. I'm on my way home, but Audrey is really tired" "Will do! See you soon, love you" "Love you too" I then hung up and went to pick the kids up from school.

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