Chapter 5

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TIM POV: I went downstairs to the lobby. "Excuse me" "Yes sir, how may I help you?" "Are there any little kid clothes stores around here?"  "yeah actually we have one here in the hotel" "oh really?" "yeah it's actually down that hall all the way to the end make a left" "alright thank you" This hotel is huge! I don't think I've ever seen a hotel that had shops like this. But it's great! I went and found the clothes store. I walked in and found some cute little boys clothes. I picked out some stuff I thought were cute. Trying to guess his size is a little tough. Anything that's too small I guess I could return or give away. I grabbed everything I could think of he would need. At least until we get back to Nashville and then we can take him shopping. That's if we have him that long. I got what I needed and then found a restaurant and grabbed some breakfast and went back to the room.  "Were you able to find anything?" "Yeah I got him some clothes that I hope will fit up" "Did you get underwear" "of course" I don't get the opportunity to shop for boys, so this was a little fun" she smiled "Will you help him?" "yeah I can do that" I walked over to him with some clothes. The first shirt he tried on fit him good. I then handed him a pair of underwear. Thankfully they fit good. Then the shorts. He then hugged me. I wasn't expecting that. I looked over at Faith who was smiling. I can see her eyes getting watery with tears. He pulled away "Thank you" "you are welcome. Here are some socks"  I then realized I forgot to get him some shoes.  I got up "Faith." "yeah" "I didn't get him any shoes" "that's alright. I think I have a pair of Gracie's that don't fit her" "but they are girls" "Tim, they are plain white! I'm sure it will be fine until we get home" "alright" Faith then called him over "here try on these sneakers" she said as she handed them to him. "Do they fit?" "yeah" "Good. When we get home, we will take you shopping" "You don't have to do that" "Dylan we want to alright?" "Okay!" After breakfast we went downstairs to the lobby where my mom was. "Hey mom" "hi, who's that?" She asked pointing to Dylan.

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