Chapter 43

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It's getting closer to the end! Just 11 more chapters left after this one! I kinda want this one to end already lol.. I have so many more done like 64 I think? Around there. 2 I recently finished and I got a couple of ideas recently I started.. anyways I hope you all have enjoyed this one so far..

FAITH POV: I got home with the kids to Tim and some lady. I walked in "who is this?" I asked Before Tim could answer. The lady turned to me and I knew before she even said her name. "I'm Debbie" I felt my heart was about to ripped out. Tim turned to me "Can you take the kids somewhere for a few minutes?" "yeah sure" I then turned back outside to the car. "Hey what's taking so long?" "I can't find my earing" Gracie said. "Did it fall out again?" "yeah!" "It's alright honey, we can get a new one" Once I saw Debbie was gone, I grabbed the kids and we went inside. "Kids go to your rooms please" They then all went upstairs. Once I knew they were out of sight. I turned to Tim. "What the hell is going on?" "I asked her to come here" "Why would you do that?" "Because, I needed to know what she was up to and now I know" "She wants him doesn't she?" "she told me no, that she only wants to be able to see him. Have him a part of her life, but when she saw you and the way she asked where he was, I knew she was lying!" "What are we going to do?" "For now, we aren't going to do anything. He's our son! She can't do anything" "But Tim, I'm scared she's going to take him away from us" "she can try all she wants, she's not getting her hands on him!" "Mommy!" I looked over and in comes Audrey. "Hey baby girl" "I big girl" I smiled "yes you are" "I get new bed" "new bed?" "oh yeah she climbed out her crib" I turned to Audrey "you did?" "I too big" "oh I see, you want a big girl like bed" "yes!" "Alright then, guess we are going shopping for a new bed" "yes we are" Tim said then turned to me "let's go do that now" "Now?" "yeah why not" "alright I'll get the kids" We then gathered all the kids and left to go shop for a bed for Audrey. I can't believe my little girl is getting so big!. My last little baby.. I started to feel emotional. "You alright?" "yeah it's just she's getting so big too fast" "yeah I know but she and all our kids will always be our little babies" "yeah!" "you still worried?" "yeah how could I not?" "Let's just try not think about it" "Okay" We arrived at the store and went to pick out a bed. Audrey found one she liked and I did also. So we got it. They are delivering it tomorrow. She is so excited! We then went out for dinner. We were seated. After we ordered, we just talked with the kids about their day at school. Soon our food was brought out. Right when we were eating, I noticed Debbie walking in. "Tim.." "yeah." "she's here" "Who?" He turned around "you have got to be kidding me!" "What are we going to do?" "Just relax..." I could see her walking this way.. I started to feel sick.

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