Chapter 8

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TIM POV: Faith took Dylan shopping, so I stayed home with the girls. I was playing with Gracie and Maggie when the phone rang. "Hello" "Hello is this Tim?" "yes it is who's calling?" "Hi Tim, this is Officer Perez, I was with you and your wife last night when you found that little boy?" "oh yeah, did you find out anything on Dylan?" "We did. His name is Dylan Donahue" "Donahue? That last name sounds familiar" "his mom's name was Kristine" "Oh my god" "you know her?" "yeah I do. I was engaged to her a very long time ago" "Oh wow" "so where is she?" "you don't know?" "no" "she's dead. Her and her husband Chris have been dead for a couple of years now" "do you know how?" "car accident" "so if they have been dead for a couple of years now, where has Dylan been?" "We don't know" "so there's no family around that was taking care of him?" "no, he's been on the streets it looks like since he was 4 years old" "Listen is there a way he can keep him permanently?" "You would have to get in touch with the department of children services and get a lawyer to get it going. I arranged for you and your wife to be his foster parents" "thank you so much" "you're welcome, I'll be in touch if there's anything else" "thanks" I said and hung up and in walked Faith and Dylan. "Who was that?" she asked. "Dylan buddy can you go play with Gracie and Maggie?" I asked "sure" He said and went the playroom. Once I knew he was out of site. I could tell Faith,. "What's going on Tim?" "That was the officer from last night" "did they find out anything about Dylan?" "yeah they did" "what is it?" "you're not going to believe this, but his mother was kristine" "Wait the Kristine you were engaged to?" "yep that's the one" "so where has she been? Did she just abandoned him?" "no it's not like that" "Than what is it?" "she's dead" "she's what?" "yeah It took be me by surprise also" "so you had no idea?" "no of course not!" "sorry" "it's alright" "so what about his father?" "his name was Chris and he's dead also" "oh my goodness. How?" "car accident" "how long ago" "two years ago" "so where has Dylan been all this time?" "On the streets apparently" "shit" "I asked the officer if there's a way we can keep him permanently?" "you what?"

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