Chapter 32

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FAITH POV: We got home and Dylan went to his room. "Faith I think we should have him go to school" "I know but he's had a hard day" "I understand that but.." "why don't we just go talk to him? I'd like to know what happened?" "yeah me too. Let's just hope he will tell us" "yeah but I also don't want to force him" "we won't. Let's go" We then went upstairs and walked in his room. He was lying on his bed. "Dylan" "yeah" "you alright?" "yeah" "hey bud, you want to talk about it?" Tim asked "Is it okay?" "sure! You know we told you many times, you can tell us anything and we won't get upset" "I know, I'm just afraid" "why?" he sighed "the judge was asking me a lot of questions and I did my best" "I know you did sweetie. We never doubted that. Do you want to tell us what happened in there?" "He just asked what I thought about living here and if I wanted to stay" "What did you say?" "That I liked it alot and I want to stay!" "That's good!" "Yeah but he also would ask me questions about my mom and dad. I don't remember much. They weren't around too much" "it's alright" "no it's not. I'm scared he's going to make me leave. I don't want to leave. If he does, I don't know I would do " "What do you mean?" "I've been on my own most of my life. I would run away" I looked at Tim. "Dylan, you don't have to go anywhere. That's what we are here for and Jeff. We are doing everything possible so you will be able to stay here" Then Tim's phone went off. "I'll be right back" he said and walked out. "Faith, do I have to go to school?" "I think you should but.. " Then Tim walked in "Who was that?" "Jeff" "And?"

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