Chapter 4

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FAITH POV: Once we got things settled to take this little boy with us, we left. It was very late. We got to the hotel room. Tim put Gracie in her bed, while I got Maggie and Audrey down. Once all three were down in their beds. I walked back out. "Dylan. Would you like to get cleaned up?" He shook his head. He really hasn't said much. I got the bathtub water ready and got him in. I helped him clean up. "I..I don't have any clothes" He said putting his down. "Don't worry about that. We will find something alright?" "okay" I got him out of the bathtub and dried him off.  I kept him in the towel. "Tim.." "yeah" can you see if you have anything he can wear?" "yeah but it will be big!" "What about one of Gracie's shirts? One that can be either or?" "yeah, here wait I found a shirt" He said and handed me one for him. We also gave him a pair of shorts for now to sleep in.  I put his dirty clothes in a bag. Tim got the couch pull out bed in the room open for him. He got in. "thank you" he said I smiled "you are very welcome and tomorrow we will get you some clothes" "okay" he said and went to sleep. The next morning, I woke up to Audrey. She doesn't usually wake up crying. But this morning she did. "Hey baby girl" I said and picked her up. She smiled I got her changed and gave her a bottle and that seemed to satisfy her. I then heard crying. Tim got up. He walked over to Dylan. "Hey buddy is everything alright?" "bad dream" "oh I'm sorry. Well are you hungry?" He nodded "Alright well I will go get you something" He walked over to me. "I'm going to go downstairs and find some food and clothes for him" "Thank you" he smiled and walked out the room. After about 20 minutes he came back. "Were you able to find anything?" "yeah I got him some clothes, I hope will fit him" "did you get underwear?" "yeah of course! I don't get the opportunity too much to shop for boys so this was a little fun" he said "Will you help him?" "yeah I can do that" he walked over to him and helped him. He then did something I didn't expect.

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