Chapter 47

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FAITH POV: "Ensworth how may I help you?" "Hi my name is Faith McGraw, I wanted to check on my son, Dylan?" "is something wrong that you are calling to check on him?" "I just need to know that he's okay" I then told her the situation. "Oh wow, well I will make sure nobody but you or your husband is allowed to pick him up" "thank you, but I know he has PE now, can you just check on him?" "sure hold on one moment" "okay" "Faith, I'm sure he's fine" "I just have to hear it for myself. I'm sorry" "No don't be. I know you are worried, I am also. I'm going to text EJ and have him put extra security on the house and when they are at school" "okay" he then went to the other room.  It seemed like an eternity before she came back. "Mrs McGraw?" "yeah" "I'm still trying to reach the PE room. They may be outside. I'm having someone walk over there now. Do you want to continue to hold or want me to call back?" "I'll stay on hold" "alright I'll be back shortly" she said and placed me on hold again.  Tim came back in the room. "Anything?" "I'm still waiting, she couldn't get a hold of the PE Teacher. She said they may be outside. So she's sending someone over there now to check" "oh okay. Well I got extra security in place" "okay" I just kept pacing around. I'm really nervous. I just have this sinking feeling something is wrong. "Faith... " "Tim I think we should just go to the school" "if that's what you want?" "yes!" "alright let's go" "wait.. Audrey" "I'll grab her" Tim said and went and picked her up and we ran to the car. I kept my cell phone to my ear as we got in  the car to head to the school.  Right before we were pulling in the, she came back on. "Mrs McGraw?" "yes" "I'm afraid we have a problem" "We are pulling in now" I said and hung up.

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