Chapter 6

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FAITH POV: Once we got all the girls dressed, we had breakfast. The girls didn't ask too many questions about Dylan. We just told them, he would be staying with us for a little while. They were fine with it. Once done, we got our stuff packed up and went downstairs to check out. Betty was already down there waiting. "Hey mom" Tim said. I heard her ask who Dylan was. I walked over. "We found him outside the venue last night" "oh wow, so no family?" "We don't know. We did call the police, we arranged to take him in until at least we can find out more. Like if he has any family who are looking for him" "Did you ask him?" "we did last night. He said he had no home and no parents" "oh my goodness. Poor thing" "yeah" He walked over to me. "Dylan, this is Tim's mom, Betty" "hi Dylan, it's nice to meet you" she said and put her hand out. Dylan seemed to be a little scared at first. "It's okay, she won't hurt you" He smiled and shook her hand. We got in the car to head to the airport. "So Dylan have you ever been on an airplane?" "no" he said "it's alright it's not scary" Gracie said. I smiled. We arrived at the airport and got our things on the plane and were ready to go. I got Audrey in her seat and belted in. I handed her a toy and she was happy. Then I helped get Gracie and Maggie in. Dylan was sitting next to Tim. I sat by them. Once we started to move, I noticed Dylan looking really nervous. He grabbed Tim's hand ."It's alright buddy, nothing is going to happen to you" He said. "Can you just hold my hand?" he asked him. Tim smiled "of course you can" He seems to be taken with Tim. He trusts him and I'm happy about that. Once we got home we walked in the house. Audrey had fallen asleep in the car, so Tim carried her upstairs to her room. Once done, he came back down. Dylan was just in amazement. Just looking around. "Come on, we will show around"

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