Chapter 46

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FAITH POV: it's been a few weeks now since that encounter with Debbie. It's making me extremely nervous. We had a private investigator try to get some info on Debbie. He's supposed to be coming by today while the kids are in school. Tim took them, while I made sure the house was decent. "Faith.." "yeah right here" "Jack called me, he's on his way" "oh okay" Jack is the private investigator we hired. Our lawyer Jeff is also working on some things as well. Shortly after there was a knock at the door. Tim went to get it. He then came in the living room with Jack. "hello Faith, nice to see you again" "you too. So did you find out anything?" "yeah I did. She's a piece of work that's for sure" "what do you mean?" "Well she's been in prison before" "What?" "yeah, it was for a couple of years. She got into drugs and alcohol and caused a serious crash, that almost killed someone" "oh my gosh!" "yeah" "So I take it that's probably where Kristine got it from" Tim said "maybe. But she's also been caught shoplifting but her lawyer got her out of it saying she didn't realize it wasn't paid for" "yeah I'm sure that was it" "yeah I agree. She's trouble. I wouldn't trust anything she says. I found an ex fiance' of hers" "oh really? So she was engaged?" "yes, it was a couple of years ago. He called it off the day before the wedding. He found she's been lying to him" "what did she lie to him about?" "A lot! I got him to talk to me. He said she's not to be trusted. You see, he's a wealthy man and she tried to steal from him and his family. He also told me she's very dangerous" "Dangerous how?" "He has been in contact with her over the past month or so. She's been trying to get him back saying she's changed. So he met up with her just to see. Well she was talking about Dylan and he got a very bad feeling thinking she is up to something" "yeah we do also" "I suggest, security and making sure there's either you guys or someone around him at all times. There's no telling what she might do" "Thank you so much" "Well If I find out anything more I will let you know" "Thanks Jack" he then left. I suddenly got a bad feeling inside me. "Faith you alright?" "I don't know. I suddenly have a bad feeling" I said and grabbed the phone. "Who are you calling?" "The school"

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