Chapter 33

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TIM POV: My phone rang, so I stepped out in the hall. "Hello" "Tim, it's Jeff" "oh hey Jeff, did you find out anything?" "Yes. First I want you to know, that Dylan did great in there. He was very honest and It worked" "do you mean?" "Yes, he's approving the adoption" "That's great news!" "yes it is. Now we have one more hearing next month to make it final. Now in that time Linda from the department of children services" "you mean the social worker?" "yeah that too, will be coming by for a visit" "Will she let us know when?" "no! They want it to be a surprise visit. Now it will be a time when he's not in school" "oh okay, but do you have a time frame?" "All I was told was sometime in the next few weeks. They want it to be a surprise, to see how it is before they finalize everything" "Oh okay, well thanks for letting me know" "no problem, I'll be in touch" "Thanks" I said and hung up. I walked back in the room. Faith turned to me "Who was that?" "Jeff" "And?" I smiled "looks like it's going to happen" "really?" "yeah!" Faith stood up and hugged me. "So that does mean I'm staying?" "Yeah bud it does. Is that okay with you?" He smiled so big and ran over and hugged me. Then Faith. "But there's one more thing" "What is it?" "Linda will be making a surprise visit sometime between now and the hearing to finalize the adoption in a month" "oh wow, so they won't tell us when?" "no, but it will be a time when he's home from school. Speaking of.." "I have to go?" "yeah. We need to show them that we are good parents and show them that you are well taken care of" "Okay" "okay? So you're okay with going to school?" "yeah I am. I just want to stay here and I will do whatever I need to" "good boy" He got his school uniform on and we took him to school. Then we went to pick up Audrey from my mom's house.

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