Chapter 48

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TIM POV: "What happened?" "I don't know, she said there's a problem. Tim I'm so scared" "it's going to be alright" I parked the car and we quickly got out. Faith ran inside while I grabbed Audrey and ran inside the school, to the office. There were a couple of police officers inside "Mr and Mrs Mcgraw?" "yes what's going on? Where is our son?"  The PE teacher turned around for a few seconds when a student fell. When he turned around, He noticed Dylan was gone. When we went down there, is when they were looking for him" "are you telling us, you lost our son?" "I'm so sorry. We will find him" "you better!" "Tim.." "I'm sorry, it's just there's a crazy woman we think may be trying to take him. Is there a way you can talk to the other kids, see if they saw anything?"  "We are doing that now. There's a couple of more officers there doing that now. While we have a team searching for Dylan" Faith turned to me "I told you! I knew something was wrong" "Faith.." "All I care about now is finding our son" "I'm going to call my mom to see if she can pick up Audrey" "okay" I then stepped outside. "Mom" "yeah what's wrong?" "Can you come by the school and take Audrey?" "yeah sure what's going on?" "It's Dylan, he's missing and we think Debbie may have taken him" "I'm on my way now" 'thanks mom, bye" "bye" I then went back inside. Faith was crying. "Faith.." "Tim.. he's gone" she ran into my arms and cried "gone? What do you mean?" "she took him Tim! She took our son" "damn it. I promise you. We will get him back"

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