Chapter 22

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FAITH POV: I woke up in the middle of the night to crying. "Is that Audrey?" "yeah" "i'll get her" "no it's fine, I'm awake. I'll get her" I said and got up and walked to her room. "Hey baby girl, what's wrong" "Mama" "mommy is right here" I said and picked her up. "Feel yucky" she said. I felt her head and she was burning up. I took her temp it was at 103!  I brought her to mine and Tim's room. "Tim.."she's burning up" " dada" she said so sad. "Oh baby girl, are you not feeling well" "no dada. Yucky"  He smiled. I gave Tim a look. "Sorry she sounds so cute" "she does, but pitiful. Can you take her?" "sure" there was then a knock at the door. I walked over and it was Dylan "hey sweetie, what's wrong?" "I don't feel good" I felt his head and he also was burning up. "Does your throat still hurt?" "yes, feels worse" "Alright, let's get you some more medicine" I then got him some more meds for his fever and brought him back to his room. "Try to get some rest" "I feel like I'm going to be sick" he said. He got up and ran to the bathroom. I followed behind. He was throwing up.  This isn't good. Once he was done, I helped him wash his face and brought him back to his room.  "Faith..." Tim said as he walked in with Audrey. He was covered in vomit. I wanted to laugh but didn't. Tim was not looking happy. "It's all over the bed" "Alright here, let me take her and clean her up" "yeah okay and of course I get the bed" "yes you do" I turned around and Dylan was back asleep. I brought Audrey to the bathroom and got her undressed and in the bathtub. It was 3 am and here I am with my almost 2 year old bathing her. Once done, I got her back in her crib. She soon fell back asleep. I looked at the time it was after 4am. I got back in bed and just couldn't fall back asleep.  Before I knew it the alarm was going off. "UGH! Tim.. Tim.. wake up" "hmm.." "I need your help" "okay" "Tim...." "I'm awake" "okay well I need you to take Maggie and Gracie to school. Dylan and Audrey are going to the doctor's" "okay" he got up and helped me. Soon he was out the door with Gracie and Maggie. I called the doctor's office and got appointments for both Audrey and Dylan.

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