Chapter 3

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TIM POV: Once my set was over, I went back to my dressing room and showered and changed. Then went to find Faith. I knocked on her door. "Hey" "hey you ready to head out?" "yeah can you help me?" "yeah sure" I walked in and saw all three girls asleep. "So I guess my mom didn't take them back to the hotel?" "no I stayed with them. She started to not to feel well, so she went to the hotel" "oh is she alright?" "yeah just got a real bad headache" "oh okay" We have a double stroller that both sides lay down. I carried Gracie while Faith put Audrey and Maggie in the stroller. We got out and we noticed a little boy no more than 5 or 6 years old. Sitting down on the side of the building with his legs to his chest with his hands around his legs. "Tim, why would a little boy be out here all alone?" "I don't know" "let's make sure he's alright" I nodded. Once Faith wants to do something and when she's determined, I know to not stop her. Otherwise, it wouldn't be good for me. We walked over Faith kneeled down in front of him "hi what's your name?" she asked "Dylan" "hi Dylan, I'm Faith, where is your mom and dad?"  "I don't have a mommy or a daddy" "oh" she looked up at me. "How did you get here?" "I walked over" "Do you have a place where you live?" He shook his head no.  Faith turned to me. I know that look. He did look very sad and his clothes were old and torn and he looked like he hadn't had a bath in who knows how long. "Would you like to come back with us?" "Faith.." "one second" "Tim we can't leave him here" "Yeah but we can't just take him. What if he has someone who is looking for him?" "you heard him, he doesn't have anyone" "I still think we should call the police" "fine. I'll go sit with him. I don't think he should be alone" I walked away and called the local police. I don't know how Gracie is still asleep in my arms.  The police then showed up. "Hey, so what's going on?" "Well we came out to go to the hotel and found him out here" "did he say anything?" "Well we asked him his name. He said Dylan. We also asked him where his parents were and he said he didn't have any" "What else?" "That he has no home" Then Faith walked over "officer, is it alright if we take him in? At least until we can locate family or find out more about him?" "yeah I think that can be arranged" Faith smiled and went back to the boy.

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